We Mistook the World

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"Its been 5 months dude. And you are still hanged on him", Vani held him from shoulders and shook him.

"Hanged on whom?!", Aavahan was determined again!

"You texted me that day while you were on cycle, and asked me how to reply the person who confesses you that you don't hurt him!", Vani exclaimed, "Do you think I don't understand you?"

"Whatever!", Aavahan said without emotions.

"I have been your best friend from childhood! I have seen you! Your smile, your laugh was my favourite! But after that day it is no more, it is not the Aavahan's real laugh!", Vani said, "Something buried in a cage eventually decomposes, but its ashes always stay! Someone once told me that!"

"Please will you spare me"

"I have been sparing you"

"Its nothing like that"

"It is!"


"But what!?"

"He is a guy!"

"So what"



Aavahan was shaking. His eyes were breaming.

"It is not a Boy Love. Vani it is not!", Aavahan broke into Vani's arms. It was a hug.

"You know Vani! It's my second hug... after.. after.. after him! I could.. I could never muster up the courage to hug anyone! I fear hurting someone again! I fear their loss", Aavahan was stammering.

"It's ok! Aavahan look", Vani held him from shoulders looking straight into his eyes, " I dunno if this a Boy Love or not! You are not the only writer of this story. Who has been saying this thing all the time? He is too, Rahim!"

There was silence here and it was the house day on the other side of the campus.


"We are dying single", Rithvik looked at her.

"I know", Unnu replied with the saddest reaction, "Only if we were not lurking around campus together. Guess what there are insta official couple, we should do insta official besties!"

"Oho! I wasn't that serious! We would not be single. Watch me", Rithvik gave a eye blink to Unnu and went straight to a girl.

"Dude if yu get spanked! I am not your friend", Unnu took a promise.

It was most what-the-fuck look one could ever give each other.

"Let's drop it", Rithvik assured Unnu.

"Yes you should!", Unnu said.

Rithvik eyes moved to spot Rahim.

"Is he okay?", Unnu spoke to Rithvik after spotting Rahim.

"I dunno, but he just never smiles now, I mean he does but its not that typical Rahim's smile.... I used to know", Rithvik mood suddenly dropped.

"There is nothing we can do Rithvik! You should not be sad!", Unnu consoled him, keeping a hand on Rithvik's shoulder.

Rithvik gave her an assuring smile pushing his side of lips up and a sigh with it.

"Hey Rithvik! Here... Here!", Rahim screamed.

"He is calling us, less go Unnu", Rithvik said.

They both started to move to Rahim.

"These chicken nuggets are really good", Rahim said to him.

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