Vani Got A Admirer, I hate!

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"Hey Vylett! are you ready for tomorrow?", I was really tensed while asking them out.

Hi! I am Sam, the most introverted google Christian guy who was there back witnessing that Boy Love moment between Rithvik and Aarav.

The only reason I put up with Rith is Vylett. They are the only reason. Like seriously, their shorts hairs and their beautiful lips... their...


"Why are you staring at my Anesan!"

And yes, there he is, the only person more powerfull than death who comes between me and vylett is this 6 feet shit.

"I am not 6, its 5 11 to be honest"

"What the fuck"

"What the actual fuck!!!!", Rith said, "Why are you screaming?"

"Can you read thoughts?", I asked him, because what I was telling you all through my mind-o-speech, he heard that.

"So, you are apt for modelling for my T-shirt brand Sir?"

"If you think so, then ok! I am up for it"

Rithvik was talking to some junior. He was tall as fuck. I could see sunshine shinning from his back. Woahh, Such an Aura.

"Thanks Sir, I'll be leaving, have to prepare for shoots!", The junior said.

"Sure!! Byye Good luck!", Rith replied him.

"So where were we?", Rith asked turning his head towards me. I know I am a bit short than him.

I mean I am just 4 feet, but that is pretty nice? No! NO!?!?!?!? Don't you all laugh!!!

"Umm, we were talking about trump capturing World's Economy!", I said in haste.

Rith eyes were popping out in confusion.

"I mean yes!!!!" Rith said in a haste, I always knew, Rithvik was never interested in politics, but he sure was a person who hides his weaknesses very well. Take this world politics knowledge for example.

"Are you interested in Vylett?" Rith said.

"No!", I replied. Even though I know I am terrible at lying.

"So, you are!", Rith said.

There was a silence. A deep silence. I could just hear a birds flew and a crow cawing.

"What?", Rith said.

"What?", I said bringing my eyebrows together. He hasn't said no? He did not protest? Does he like me being with Vylett? "Are you okay with me asking Vylett out?", I said hesitating a bit.

"Yes, why would I reject you. It hurts. It's painfull when you love leaves you", Rith said. His sound is really not Rith.

"I want Vylett to hurt you... hahahha", he said laughing at me.

This is so fucking Rith, I thought.

"Ok then I will be leaving!", I said in haste.

"Where?", Rith asked.

"To your sister, to flirt", I said with a smirk.

"I am wondered this face of Sam do exists", he was judging me.

Not A Boy LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon