He just cried and cried and cried. I am angry at myself. How could I never have understood what goes behind that smile. It was always true, people with prettiest smile hides the most behind it and that is why God gave them that smile. Merciful God!

"... Ishir.... I always knew the beginning and the ending but I still dared"

I was confused?

What is he saying?

The thing I knew was that the it was boiling at the brim and was now coming out. I didn't try to put on a lid and let its boil! At least the weight of the water will decrease inside it!

"That day when I first saw him, I was a friend. People just behave good with you for gains? The point if time when they get what they need, they leave you hanging. You cannot do anything lest being sad, because you still admire them. You still love them.", He said and went silent.

"Sir! You said I am just like you? Normal person cannot understand what are you saying. But someone told me once, if you want something dearly, snatch that thing. For the first time please prioritize yourself? Try it sir! Get it sir! Just get it"

The sound of cries went higher and the fact I knew I hit the point.

"Pri... Prioritize?", he faintly asked me.

"Ask for your space!", I yelled back.


"Yes, your space!"

"Ishir you are a gentlemen, Kiaan loves you a lot! Never leave him. He will always keep you happy!"

"Still Sir!?... At this point you are still caring for me? We are good! I am good! Prioritize yourself. Ask for your need! Ask for what you need!!!!"

I always wondered why is Sir so calm, kind and caring. He just wanted to give love to others that he never received. He was also the same kind, giving was his language, taking was wiped out.

He never wanted to talk this all things, but we are also his juniors and he can't see us like this, broken, sad and saying that Sir doesn't trust us. I knew he never wanted to talk but he was afraid to loose us too when I said that Sir don't trust us!

"Sorry Sir!", I said.

"It's okay! I just need space... Please don't tell all this to anyone Ishir. I beg you", he cried to me. I can feel him touching the door from the other side.

"Sometimes you feel like telling everything to someone but at the same time you dunno who to tell", I said.

"And sometimes you want the other person to know everything that you are dying but at the same time that person is the most ignorant about you", he completed me.

"Life a joke sometimes", I told Sir.

"It is!"

"I won't say anything to anyone Sir!"

He was lying was lying against the door. Behind it. Silent now. Cries were still audible to me.





And Love...


I saw Kiaan coming back with someone.

"How is Sir, Ishir?", Kiaan asked me. There was desperation in his eyes.

"He did not reply yet. I can hear him crying inside", I told him, holding his hands. He was panicking and I couldn't see him like that. He is very delicate. I could see his eyes brimming too, as neither he nor us has ever seen Sir in this condition.

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