Chapter 3: Heaven, Hell, Exorcists, and Overlords - Part 3

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(3rd Pov Izuku)

Roughly two years later . . .

Izuku was now seven, having spent three years of life down in hell. After that day two years ago, he learned it was called "Extermination Day." A day where angels from heaven would come down and kill as many sinners as possible to stop the over population of hell. He'd survived two more exterminations days since then.

Izuku learned a few more things from his grimoire, he learned it was called. Things that would make his life easier down here in hell. The first spell he learned was his shield spell, which would make a pentagram appear in front of him to block something. The next was a disguise spell that caused him to have curved black horns sprout from the top of his head. They weren't actually there, but it saved him from getting weird looks whenever he walked down the street. The third and final spell he learned would make him run faster, which was useful for when he had to steal something. It was almost as if this book was his quirk!

Speaking of a quirk, Izuku never discovered one. He tried everything his parents quirks could do, based off of what he could remember. 

He tried to breathe fire. 

He tried to make things magically float toward him.

He even tried to control fire.
But still, nothing.

Even though Izuku didn't have a quirk, he had his book, and he could still watch turf wars.

His life in hell had changed slightly for the better once he figured out the disguise spell. He could (mostly) walk around without getting attacked by someone.

Speaking of being attacked, that's what was happening to Izuku right now, but I suppose "chased" is a better word to use in that sentence.


Izuku was ran out of a shop and bolted down the street, a bag of chips tucked under his shoulder, his book floating after him.
"Hey!" a voice shouted behind him, as Izuku weaved through a crowed of people. "Shoplifter!"

A sinner demon with a six-eyed crocodile-like head burst out of the shop wearing a bloody apron and held a butcher knife in one hand. The sinner's eyes instantly noticed the floating book following something through the crowd of people that he couldn't see. The demon instantly broke into a sprint and chased after a book, shoving people out of his way.

Izuku's book flew in front of him and its pages flapped open and paused on a page. Izuku nodded and kept running. "Accelerare," he muttered. A familiar golden-red glow surrounded the boy's legs and he started running faster than before.

Izuku had stolen from this guy before, only three other times, though. It wasn't as much compared to how much he's stolen from other places. This place had better food, but if you were caught, you'd be chased down.
Izuku hadn't be caught during a chase by this guy yet, and he didn't want to.

The shout of the crocodile-headed sinner faded the more Izuku ran down the street. Taking the chance, he quickly ducked into a near by alleyway.
Once making sure no one was around, he opened the bag.
"I hope this tastes as good as everyone said it way," Izuku said reaching into the bag and pulling out a red chip.

Before the chip even touched his tongue, a foot kicked Izuku in the face and knocked him to the ground.
"You thought you could outrun me, you little shit," the crocodile demon stated, walking up to Izuku.

Izuku got up and turned to face the sinner, eyeing the chips. He opened his mouth, ready to speak as the demon approached him. 
He held up both his arms in a defensive way. "Scutu-"

The Hero from Hell (A Hazbin Hotel and My Hero Academia crossover)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz