Rant (A/n)

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 This is just a rant, feel free to skip it if you're not interested. This contains a lot of swearing.

So, I'm really mad today. This bitch in school thinks she can control me.

So, let's call her db (short for dumb bitch)

Saanvi you know who she is.

So, I was sitting in school, waiting for my mom to pick me up. Then, db approaches me, asking for scissors.

Note that, she tries to make my life living hell every day. She's a terrible teacher. 

I didn't want to give her, but didn't want to come off as rude, so I told I didn't have them.

Then she makes me go to the storeroom, and get her a pair. Who does she think she is? She didn't even  say please.

All this time, she yells at me, never helped me, and makes me work my ass off. I was chilling, reading "Harry Potter" and  talking to my friends. 

Does she not know, that I am her student, not her servant? Why should I help her? 

It's not like I don't want to. I help all the teachers who are nice to me. She literally yells in my ears all the time and now she asks me to help her. No no. Not asking, commanding.

Does she not have an understanding of boundaries? Does she not know that I a not obligated to help her?

To make shit worse, my mom is siding with her.

God. I fucking want to punch her in the nose, but I don't, cause her face already looks like a mess and I can't bear to look at her face if her nose is going to look like a squashed banana. That, and the fact that I may get expelled.

And now, I'm mad at myself for not telling her that.

But, seriously, how do you tell your teacher that you want to bonk their head with a bat, without coming off as rude?

So, AITA, for feeling I'm not obliged to do extra work for the teachers who treat me like bullshit?

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