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I pressed the bell way too many times as anger was consuming all my patience. The door was opened by Alisha, "Hrid-" "Who was it? Who had the nerve to drive my mother away?" "Hridhaan, calm down. It was-" "I asked who was it?" "Bua, both of them. They had an ugly fight. Chachi got mad at Rama Ma too." I dashed into the hall as Dadi's expression changed, "When did you come?" "Just now. And guess what?" "What?" "I saw Ma leaving with her luggage. Isn't that ridiculous? Considering her flight is on the same day as us." "Riddhi-" "Dadi? Where are they?" She sighed, "Upstairs." I went near their room, "Saw how she had the audacity to say she just wanted to see "her" Riddhi get married." "Hmmp, it's not as if the woman Hridhaan has married is worth to show off. She's just an ordinary woman who's just a little pretty." I fisted my hands as I went inside, "Having fun bitching about others?" Their eyes went wide but any hint of guilt was missing. "What? Confused? Why I came to find you both?" They both looked at each other, "Hridhaan, we-" "Just shut up. I'll never come here again all because of you two. I'll keep my wife and mother away from you two. I'll come only if you two don't." "Ay, Riddhi, they didn't mean it." "Dadi, just stop defending them! They were not only talking about Ma but also my wife that they've know for like what? Hardly 2 days. You don't like them, you can keep your opinion to yourself. You dare not do something like this again or else I'll never put a foot into this house when you're there. I don't want to keep relations with people who don't want to accept my marriage. And my mother." Anger took over them, "Is this how you talk to your-" "You both don't deserve my respect! How dare you try to make a fuss in my wedding?" They both were speechless as I continued, "I can't deal with them. I should've gotten married at a temple." "You don't even know what happened." "What happened so wrong that you had to kick a woman out of the house at this time?" They looked away as I left the place to find Kavya carrying Ma's luggage while Ma hesitantly entered the house. I stated loudly, "I am telling this to everyone who are looking for ways to cause trouble." I looked at both my aunts and then again at everyone else, "If anyone messes with my Ma and my wife, I'll make your life a living hell. And I'll not set a foot into this house. Ever again."
Ma came upstairs with Kavya and entered our room, "Riddhi, you shouldn't have done-" "Ma, stop defending them. They're talking crap about everyone." She looked down as I continued, "What had happened?" "We watched Riti's recent interview on the TV and he mentioned me instead of your mom as the person who he had had most memories with. They all got mad and started yelling at me saying that I taught you both all this." I looked down feeling guilty for not being there for her. She deserved all the recognition. Despite her being younger than mom, she'd played a better role. I looked at Kavya who seemed way too confused and left out since she didn't know much about the Vedi family.

It was a scattered family that had a facade to mask their every imperfection. Despite Hridhaan staying away from the limelight, he still had to face their wrath. Both Namita and Anita Vedi were still involved in almost every thing related to the Vedi's even though they were married. Well, fair enough. Anita and Namita both "coincidentally" married men who didn't have parents or any extended family. Naturally, they put their noses into their siblings' lives and loved creating problems. As expected, they were most interested in Hridhaan's life and hated the fact that his wife wasn't like THEY wanted. Hridhaan had married the woman he loved and they hated it. They kept complaining that it was Rishi and Aradhana's fault for not paying attention towards their kids and which is why they'll end up with wrong partners. The irony was that they had broken homes themselves while they tried breaking other people's homes. What concerned Hridhaan most was that while he'd managed to make it seem as if he'd gotten arrange married to Kavya, she'd most likely find it odd that his aunts didn't like her. He wanted to keep her happy unlike their parentless childhood but his extended and the overall family was pretty toxic. His cousins were way better but it's not as if Kavya could ignore or escape all the drama. On the first day itself, she saw the fuss regarding Rama Ma. Kavya didn't know much about the Vedi Family even on the internet. There were rumours about Rama Ma being a motherly-figure to Hridhaan and Hritik, seven years ago. The rumour was so controversial that it managed to flip their stocks overnight. But after Ramanand Vedi shared pictures of his two grandsons with their mom stating that while they indeed had a babysitter, Aradhana was a 'devoted mother' who'd been with her kids all her life. All the Vedi family members who were active went on interviews and stated the same by creating different types of fake scenarios to prove what Ramanand Ji said. But it completely broke Hridhaan and Hritik 's heart as they did understand why everyone did what they did but they still hated that they had to lie like that. Things went sour to the point, Hridhaan completely dissociated from the Vedi family and never showed up in the last seven years. He only came to meet his grandparents sometimes but never came to the gatherings. The night was silent. Hridhaan refused to talk to anyone and the dinner was silent to the point that Kavya felt nauseous. She'd grown up eating long meals with her Nanu Nani talking to them for hours. They'd laugh and eat and do everything opposite to what was happening now. Namita broke her silence, "Enough is enough! I can't tolerate-" "Sit down and stop yelling." Hridhaan was rudely firm as both his aunts found it extremely disrespectful. "Don't talk to your Bua like that." He ignored her completely and looked at Kavya as she looked like a lost puppy in a ghost house. He silently waited for her to finish and then got up to go to their room. She went to the kitchen as Rama Ma approached her, "Daughter, listen." "Yes Ma. What happened?" "Take this." She passed her a little box, "Riddhi loves it." "Really?" "Yes." "Thank you Ma." "Don't mention it. Go." She went to their room as she saw Hridhaan looking out of the attached balcony. She approached him, "Mr. Vedi?" "Hmm?" He turned to look at her as she gave him the small box. "Ma gave it." He opened it to find two handmade ladoos, he smiled, "Thank you." He put one on her palm and ate one. She ate it as well, "Wow- this is delicious! She made it herself? Wow! I should probably learn it from her." Hridhaan kept smiling and looking at her. His eyes never left her. But then he felt a bitterness in his chest, a heavy feeling. He looked away, "Kavya?" "Yes?" "Can you forget what happened?" She looked down, "As much as I would love to. I don't want to." He looked at her, "What?" "Mr. Vedi, I don't know what you think about this whole thing but I believe no family is perfect. Every family has problems. It doesn't mean they're bad. To put it simply, I don't want to forget anything because it makes me feel involved. It makes me feel as if I am a part of-" "You don't need to be a part of this family." She felt a little hurt. "Kavya, I only want you to be involved with me, my parents and my brother. And my grandparents and Ma. Others are not worth your time and efforts. Don't try pleasing anyone. I know that you probably wanted to be a part of a huge family where they all function together with the least amount of issues. But this family isn't one of them." "Mr. Vedi, I never had those expectations." "Everyone does." "I didn't. I know that all families have flaws so I didn't have crazy expectations. I have already got what I wanted so I don't need to worry about other stuff. You should probably just let things be at ease." She continued after an exhale, "Eventhough it seems as if some people will always cause troubles, I think it's better than not having any at all. You know the feeling better than anyone. How it'd have been better to have a problematic person than not have anyone at all." He was speechless. He didn't think that she was that positive regarding the situation. She understood everything just the way he could find comfort in. "You don't have any problem with this whole shit?" "No. I think that it's a logical issue. Not some petty matter but an actual issue. You take Ma as your mother while your actual mother feels dejected because she feels guilty as it is for not being there for you but even worse with how things are unfolding. It's logical for everyone to hate Ma because she's not your biological mother yet you treat her like one because she was the kind of mom you deserved but didn't get. Mr. Vedi, you said it once, "If it's a logical issue, it most probably will have a controversial solution." You need to accept that you won't get over this in the long run. And like wise people say, we should let things be like they are since they don't have a definite answer." He nodded, "I- umm I don't know what to say. You're indeed right but I think I'm having a hard time accepting things." "It happens. Somethings only get accepted by the brain. The heart takes way more time." In the last two months, they'd gotten close enough to share issues and opinions. "We should sleep, the Puja is in the morning." "You don't need to sleep in a saree, do you? It must be uncomfortable." "No, I'm fine. It's good enough." "I keep thinking that you're uncomfortable yet you go with it. You can be like you are at home or like you always are." "I'm really fine, Mr. Vedi." They went to bed as they slept with a huge gap in between. "Are you uncomfortable?" "No. I'm comfortable enough. Don't worry." "Kavya?" "Hmm?" "Can you call me by my name?" "What?" "I mean it. It feels weird to have my wife call me Mr. Vedi." She bit her lip and looked at him, "But I just can't bring myself to call you by your name. I've never addressed you by your name even in my head." He chuckled, "Are you serious?" "Yes." "Just say it, okay?" She pressed her lips together and then opened them, "Hridhaan."

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