Wedding 🙈🤭🫠

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My hands were cold. I was freaking the fuck out. "Yo, are you alright?" "Yeah." No. I am not! I resisted the urge to call her. Or maybe I should call her. A text?A text wouldn't hurt, right? I reached for my phone when Danish snatched it away, "Nuh uh. You can't text or call her." Ugh! Ma entered after knocking, "Are you ready?" I smiled, "Mhm. See?" She looked at me affectionately, "You look the most handsome!" She smeared the black from her eye's waterline and smudged it behind my ear, "I hope your happiness never catches the evil's eye." I smiled as I heard the camera shutter. The cameraman smiled, "Sir? Can we proceed with the pictures?" I nodded.

Kavya's POV
Should I text him? Ack! I'm freaking out. Why am I so God damn nervous? "Ash? Do I look nervous?" She groaned, "I have an idea. Just take a sip and you wouldn't feel nervous." "Are you nuts? I can't drink on my own wedding!" She laughed as Nani Nanu entered, "All ready?" I got up and held Nani's hand, "Do I look visibly nervous?" She softly caressed my head, "You don't. At all!" Nanu smiled, "Kavi, my baccha. You should think about him and you won't be nervous." I nodded. I looked at his picture with me that we had clicked on our engagement day. I'd framed it up. The photographer came knocking, "Ma'am let's shoot, shall we?" I nodded.

The time had finally come. After the pre-wedding rituals, the make-up artist did a final touch up. The wedding was under the open sky. Near a beautiful stream and the decorations were pastel and full of elegant flowers. I'd specifically chosen this place because it was too beautiful for marriage. They'd made a frame of flowers and told me to walk under it. There was an aisle and people were seated around the mandap. I stepped out as cool soft winds gently hit my skin while my hair danced along. It was as if mother nature was welcoming me. Koko barked and wagged his tail happily as I chuckled from my heart. I didn't dare lift up my gaze to look at him. What if I fainted? That'd be embarrassing. I looked around and mustered up my courage. I reached near the end of the aisle. I took a deep breath and looked up to see him. My eyes glistened. He was handsome. Very handsome! He looked magnificent. Wait. Is this heaven? I pinched my wrist for the millionth time to feel the pain. This man was real. What a beautiful day! Our eyes locked as he smiled. So did I. The world probably stopped when we heard people clapping. I looked down feeling embarassed. He forwarded his hand as I gently held his hand. They were warm and I no longer felt nervous. Krisha and Aashna popped out from behind, "Ay, Mr. Vedi! How can you take my sister?" Aashna broke of our hands,"Yes, how can you take away my bestfriend?" "Pay us something." They mischievously grinned as Hridhaan smiled forwarding his purse, "You guys could share from this." They both opened it to find a bundle of notes neatly stashed in. "Woah!" They both whispered about how much they'd take. Hridhaan looked at me then at them, "You can take it all. No need to think about it." They took a few notes each and gave it back but Hridhaan pushed it back, "I just want my bride's hand." I blushed while everyone who heard started hyping him. He forwarded his hand again as I smiled while holding it. The mandap was a little elevated so he helped me get up. We sat beside each other as Pandit ji started the wedding.

The match was definitely made in heaven. She wore a dark maroon red lehanga with beautiful details. Her hair was open with a mang tika on her forehead. She'd also attached a maroon veil on her head. The jewellery on her ear was minimal while her neck was heavy with the iconic traditional hooped nose-pin on her nose. Her family had gotten her loads of gold and diamonds to wear. Her hands were full of red and golden bangles till her elbows. The mehndi on her hand was dark. She looked like an absolute queen!
While he'd contrasted with a creamy beige sherwani suit. A royal cream shawl with a hint of maroon to make him look like a majestic king. His wrist shined under the faint sunlight because of his watch that was probably worth a million pounds. But what stood out the most were their wedding rings and smiles.

After a few hours,

"Are you alright? Need something?" She shook her head, "No. I'm fine. Are you alright?" "Just numb from sitting." She smiled, "I can relate to that considering the jewellery and everything is so heavy!" "You can go and freshen up if you want." She shook her head. The Pandit told them to put ghee into the fire. Their hands were tied with some flowers and leaves along with rice.

Hridhaan's POV
My eyes wouldn't leave her. She looks so beautiful! Her hand felt like it was made to fit in mine. Pandit ji told me to apply Sindoor. My heart glitched. This moment felt surreal. I had always wondered who would be the woman that would have me smear vermillion on her forehead. Never thought it'd be Kavya. He forwarded the leaf containing the pigment as the cameras zoomed in on the precious moment. I gently smeared it as she looked at me with a beautiful smile. Red suited her. The vermillion looked beautiful on her. She is mine. Finally. I put the mangalsutra to completely mark that she is my wife.

Kavya's POV
The most beautiful moment of my life. He looked endearing under the sky. He was finally mine! The vermillion, the diamond mangalsutra. Hridhaan is my husband! Pandit ji told us to take the pheras. He got up first and then helped me up. We took the seven rounds while people happily threw flowers at us. We stepped down and went inside the hall as it was nearly evening. After taking pictures here and there, we finally sat to eat. "Huh, finally!" "I know. I felt a little hungry." We hadn't eaten much during the whole day except for juice and fruits. It was uncomfortable to eat considering my hands were filled with rings and bracelets and other gifts that the guests had made me wear. My neck felt ten times heavier because of the chains that added up between the ceremony. Hridhaan looked at me concerned, "Wait. I think you're struggling to eat." He took the spoon from me and tried feeding me, "Mr. Vedi, what are you doing? There are so many people her-" he shoved the food in my mouth, "I don't care. You're struggling so I need to help." He kept feeding me as I pouted, "Not even an hour ago we got married and you're already feeding me." He shoved a spoonful again, "I thought husband and wife didn't have favours to keep track of." I silently ate and looked at him as he ate while holding a spoonful in front of my mouth. Someone fake coughed, "I witnessed something." Danish stood in front of us as he narrowed his eyes at Hridhaan while he was unbothered, "What? Can't I feed my wife?" OMG! I WILL PROBABLY DIE TODAY! Danish pouted, "Nuh uh. Do continue. But, do open my gift. Today itself." "I don't need to guess it. It must be a perverted thing. Sorry but I am not going to open it. I'll gift it back to you on your marriage." I chuckled as Danish gave him a fake smile, "Well, I ain't getting married. At all. You're the one who withdrew from the 'Forever Single' group to get married. I am still a member." His cheeks turned red, "Listen here, okay? There were 7 of us. 5 got married including me. And now there's only you and that Gaurav." "He's a real homie, okay?" Hridhaan looked at me and then at Danish, "He can't get married because he has ED." I laughed as Hridhaan smiled. Danish stood there dumbfounded, "What?" "Uh huh. Except you, everyone knew." His face wore off, "Then, why didn't you fucking tell me!" "Cause I know you'll withdraw from that group too. Very soon." He scrunched his face, "If I get someone like Bhabhi, I might." "Fuck off!" I chuckled, "Alright alright. I could set you up." He hopefully looked at me, "Please. I'll forever be grateful to you." I smiled as he left, "You're the best! I'll look around, if there's someone interesting, I'll let you know." I nodded. "You don't need to." "No. I really could try helping him. I mean he's old enough." He nodded as we finished up with the desserts.
We reached home really late. Hatkoti was at a distance from Shimla. After entering, Hridhaan and I went to our room. OUR ROOM. He opened the door as I followed him in. The room was dimly lit with scented candles and rose petals spread all over the white sheets of the bed. It looked romantic. But for an arranged couple like us. It was awkward. He blew out the candles on the floor, "I'm blowing them off because they can be unsafe. You can light them again after freshening up if you want." My lehenga was pretty heavy and yes anything unfortunate could happen with the fire. I smiled as he switched on the lights. I sat on the bed as he went across the room to take his clothes out of the wooden cupboard. He looked at me, "You should get changed. There's a small closet here, with a door. You can go in there." I nodded and sat near the dressing table to remove the jewellery sets. I'll die with the heaviness. He came out of the closet, "You're still not done?" He eyed me up and down and came near me, "Excuse me." I looked at him through the mirror as he swiftly unclasped the chains off my neck and placed them on the table with an ease. "How were you even wearing them? They're damn heavy!" "I couldn't do anything about it." He then gently removed the bobby pins on my hair. "There you go." "Thank you." He walked over to the bed and sat scrolling his phone. I went into the closet and changed into comfortable clothes. Should I remove my bra? Or should I keep it on? What do I do? What if my nipples peak out of my shirt? Ugh! I mean he's my husband but- I need to be appropriate too. I'll get inside the blanket swiftly. I can't sleep with it on. I walked into the room and found him sweeping rose petals off the bed. He laid back and pulled the blanket over him. I silently lifted the blanket and slipped in. I can't believe this. I AM SLEEPING BESIDE HRIDHAAN VEDI! He closed his eyes as I turned my head to look at the ceiling, "Good night." I looked at him, "G-good night." After some time, I dozed off.

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