Destiny or Coincidence

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"Mom! Dad! No, I don't want to meet any guy!" I screamed in frustration. She sat beside me on the couch, "It's a nice family. Rich and well-mannered. Give it a chance. The guy is so handsome!" I rolled my eyes, "I-I don't want to get married right now." Dad chimed in, "You're 28 already. You should be dating a nice guy at least. But because you aren't, we're just setting you up." I sighed, "What is he like?" Mom excitedly said, "Tall, fair, with perfect features, extremely polite and such a handsome guy!" I could only think of one person with such a description. And as a matter of fact, I couldn't obviously be with him. Krisha looked at me and asked me to meet her in her room with her eyes. I nodded and looked at mom and dad, "Alright. I'll meet him. When is the date?" Mom jumped up from the sofa and high-fived with dad, "Tomorrow." My eyes probably popped out of my socket, "Tomorrow? WHAT?" They looked at me, "Come on. You should meet him as early as you can." I shook my head and went upstairs to Krisha's room. I sat on the bed closing the door behind me, "I know what you want to say but-" she cut me off, "You never confessed your feelings to him and now you're agreeing to get married?" I pouted, "Correction. I'm agreeing to meet my blind dates, not to marriage." Krisha sighed, "Will you never confess him?" I stayed silent as she continued, "It's been almost 6 years." I bit my lower lip and left her room. I went downstairs as mom asked me, "You're going somewhere?" I smiled, "I'll be back in an hour." She nodded.
I stepped out into the lamp-lit alley near my block. It was peaceful. It reminded me of the day when I walked back to my dorm with Prof. Vedi. Probably if we were destined, we'd have been together by now. But now I don't think he's the one written for me.

Next morning.........
"Mom! Momma! Where did you keep the safety pins?" Mom walked in all dressed up as my mouth widened, "Mom! You look amazing!" She held her cheek feeling embarrassed, "Thank you. Here are your pins." She handed them to me as I pinned the fabric to my blouse. I looked into the mirror; mom had picked this beautiful crimson saree with golden borders. It was simple yet beautiful. I'd done very light makeup because the black bindi on my forehead was already an exquisite form of makeup. I put on my golden wedge heels and followed my family into the car. We reached the venue earlier than the expected time. I walked in behind my parents as 'he' stood up. I didn't look at him but then mom and dad gave way to me as I saw 'his' shoes. Gosh why is he wearing the same shoes as, "Prof. Vedi?" I probably screamed when I lifted my head to see 'him' and I saw Prof. Vedi. People around us looked at me with annoyance as I apologized. I pinched my wrist. Damn, it hurt.

She looked so beautiful! I couldn't take my eyes off her. She was stunned to see me. I mean, it's understandable. She bit her lower lip, "I'm sorry Pro- I mean Mr. Vedi. My parents didn't know-" she turned to her parents, "Mom! Dad! He's my professor. I can't-" I cut her words, "Ms. Pujari, take a seat." She looked at me all confused and unsure. I sat and gestured at the seat across the table. She sat down hesitantly, "Mr. Vedi, you don't have to go along." I shook my head, "I knew that I was meeting you." She was even more confused than before, "What? Why? I don't understand." I cleared my throat and continued, "I came here with the intention of marriage." Her face still had the 'I can't believe any of this ' expression, "Why would you want to marry me?" A hint of red flush painted her cheeks.

He blushed. His skin was fair enough that the blood on his cheeks quickly turned his face and ears red. He then continued, "My parents found your profile on the marriage website and I agreed because......well, they're all about me getting married to a woman of the same caste. You are a match for their ideal daughter-in-law." My breath stopped and then we started again, "Mr. Vedi. There are many Brahmin girls in London. Even the ones who are not your students." Sweat formed on his forehead, "I've known you for a long time. I don't think it'd be a problem for us to get married." I gulped hard, "But will we be able to maintain a relationship more than a teacher-student's? And what about the university? What will they think? They'll probably make rumours about-" He calmly continued, "Kavya? I'm asking You not other people. Will you agree to the marriage? We aren't getting any younger. And.......if you don't agree......I can't force you. Just let me know about your decision." He really didn't care about the world. He was always fixated on the things he wanted. A thousand questions rushed into my mind. But my heart was clear- I WANT TO MARRY HIM because there was no one else in my heart. The waiter arrived at the table and served two glasses of juice as he continued, "You can take your time." I brought the glass near my lips, "Will the university approve of our marriage?" I took a sip of the juice as he spoke, "They will. It's not new, they'll just refrain me from having any authority in your grading. That's it." I took the last gulp of the juice and settled it on the table, "Then....... I'll agree to it."
We left shortly after. We were going to get the marriage dates out in a temple and get engaged and married according to that. I looked at mom who was constantly smiling like a fool, "Mom? Did you know he is my professor?" She nodded as I groaned, "What? Don't you know it's inappropriate for a teacher and student to have a relationship of husband and wife?" She looked at me, "No. I don't think there's anything inappropriate in that. He's such a dreamy guy. I think he's the best guy for you." I blushed as Krisha smiled looking at me, "Want me to tell them?" I shook my head.

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