Chapter 15

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Gio's POV
I notice her the second I walk in, she is sitting at the far end of the bar talking to a good looking man who, to my utter annoyance, has a hand on Isabella's exposed thigh. She jumps up and I smile at her cringing from his touch as I move toward her. Catching the end of their conversation I can hear her shutting him down but there is tension in her words and she is visibly uncomfortable as he grasps her hand. My own hands become fists at my side as I get closer, hearing him ask his final question. " tell me, who is this lucky guy?" I glare at the man in front of me as I wrap an arm around Isabella's waist, feeling her sink back into my embrace, "That would be me."

He drops her hand as he takes me in, I notice his gaze flit to my waistband where my gun is visible and see the familiar look of fear cross his face as he meets my steely eyes. Letting myself instead take in Isabella I run my finger down her cheek, bending to kiss her soft lips briefly, "you look exquisite Tesoro, I apologise for keeping you waiting... shall we?" Guiding her away I glare over my shoulder at the man who had tried it on with my Isabella, he will regret it. Helping her into the SUV outside she smiles at Roberto, "Hey Isy, you look beautiful this evening" he smiles at her in greeting but I notice his eyes flick to my set jaw and fiery eyes and I nod slightly in the direction of the bar so he understands. "Aw thanks Roberto, nice to see you again" she stops me suddenly as I am climbing in beside her, "oh shoot, I'm such an idiot! I need to go back in, I forgot to pay for the last round of drinks" I smile down at her, continuing into the car, "do not fret Tesoro, Roberto will go back in, he will make sure everything is taken care of..." stressing the word everything and glancing at Roberto he gives a stiff nod of understanding and turns to Isabella, "sure Isy, oh Mich says you met an old friend in there?" She shifts in her seat, "yeah... Tyler, he was more a friend of... a friend". Roberto, now armed with the information he needs, exits and tells us to go on without him.

"Are you sure we shouldn't have waited for him?" She asks as the driver starts the SUV. I smile down on her sweet face and take her hand in mine, "he will be fine Tesoro, I have kept you waiting long enough tonight!" Seeming to accept my answer she reaches a hand and cups my cheek, pulling my face down to hers again as our lips meet. My arms encircle her as we deepen our kiss, our tongues dancing together, God I have missed the taste of her, her touch. She sighs heavily as we pull apart, looking up at me through hooded eyes, "is it crazy to say that I've sort of missed you these past couple of days?" Blushing adorably and avoiding my eyes at her admission I can't help but grin down at her, "oh Isabella, I have thought of little else since I saw you last." Beaming at me, she pulls me back into her kiss.

Isy's POV

We are not in the car long before we pull up next to a narrow street the car can't go down. Gio opens the door and holds his hand out for me, helping me onto the sidewalk. Laying his hand on my lower back again, he guides me down the cute little cobbled street, away from the throngs of people in the main thoroughfare. Fairy lights twinkle above us, hung decoratively between the buildings, reminding me of trips to Europe when I was younger. We stop at a small restaurant, sweet little tables lit with candles sitting outside, Gio opening the door for me and following me in.

Glancing around I feel I have been transported back to Italy. The restaurant is small but sweet and homely, rough stone walls are adorned with framed pictures of family and friends dining and partying, wooden tables with red and white checked cloths are scattered around the room, a couple of booths at the back, all lit by candles in old wine bottles, the wax drips making unique and beautiful patterns on the green and brown glass. I smile up at Gio as he takes my jacket, removing his own as a woman emerges from the back. Small and rather round but giving off an aura of warmth and love she beams upon seeing us and hastily manoeuvres herself through the tables to greet us.

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