Chapter 14

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Gio's POV
My mind keeps straying to Isabella and tonight's date. The last two days have been torturous, I have never been good at waiting for what I want and I don't remember wanting anything as badly as I want her. Work has been busy, the drop went well but I had to oversee the arrival and cutting at the warehouse since it's a new venture for us. Roberto has been very useful, taking care of things I usually would handle personally although he is also on my case frequently about my growing obsession with Isabella. As if on cue, he knocks on my office door, "hey boss" he greets as he enters, "I know you have your big date tonight but we have a problem at the warehouse, we are a key short and the guys have it narrowed down to two possibles but want your final say before they do anything".

I swear under my breath, checking my watch before grabbing my coat and leading the way out the door, "bring the car around, let's get this sorted now. If this makes me late tonight..." I don't need to finish my sentence, knowing Roberto is aware that my fuse is shortening by the second. Half an hour later we are pulling up at the back entrance to the warehouse and Roberto is keying the passcode into the keypad for entry. Inside we pass by a lot of the workers, looks ranging from fearful curiosity to abject terror at the sight of me. At the other side of the building we reach the office and meet Luka, one of my most trusted deputies, who fills me in immediately on the situation.
"Went missing overnight Sir, only the security guards were around, have checked the tapes and nobody else was in or out, has to be one of them but they aren't talking much, just the usual claims they are innocent and don't know what happened." I nod my understanding to him and then open the door and move towards the two men, bound and bloody on the ground before me.

Leaning against the desk I check my watch again before looking up at each of them in turn, gauging the fear in their eyes. "Gentlemen... one of you has stolen from me, perhaps you both have, maybe this was a team effort..? Either way, there has been a theft and I am sure you are both well aware of how I deal with men who try to take what belongs to me?" Their eyes remain on the ground until Roberto offers each a swift kick in the ribs and growls at them, "the Boss is asking you a question". Two sets of terrified eyes look into my face and they both manage to grunt out their assent. "I have an important prior engagement in an hour. If either of you wishes to confess, I will show the culprit mercy, however, if you choose to remain silent, you will both face the consequences. You have 15 minutes." Leaving the room I let out a frustrated sigh and take out my phone to text Isabella, I am definitely going to be late, hopefully she won't mind waiting 20 minutes. Fuck these assholes for making me late to my first date with her!!

The two of us re-enter the room after their allotted time. "Well?!" I growl at them, finding it increasingly difficult to contain my anger. They share a look and then the smaller of the two men speaks, his voice barely above a whisper and his eyes never leaving the carpet, "Mr Lombardi, I'm so sorry... please... you have to understand... I had to... my brother... he needs help and I needed the money quickly... I swear I would have paid it all back, I..." the shot rings out and the man falls to the floor at my feet. The other looks in horror at Robertos drawn gun then back up at me with pure terror in his eyes, blood spattered across one side of his face, "Sir... you said you would have mercy...". He is visibly trembling and I don't miss the way his eyes are looking determinedly away from his dead friend. "I was merciful. It was quick wasn't it?" Without another word, I leave the room, Roberto pausing at the door to instruct Luka on cleanup.

When we are both back in the SUV heading up town Robertos phone pings. "It's Mich Boss, says she and Rose just left Isy at the cocktail bar down the block from theirs, she is fine, met an old friend or something..." he tails off but I notice his nervous side eye and ask the question I'm sure I know the answer to, "a male friend?". His awkward silence is answer enough and I feel my jaw set as my fingers begin tapping irritably on my leg. We better get there damn soon.

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