I forgot

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smut and bdsm warning

Two whole weeks passed, Jenna decided to go and surprise emma, maybe that would help their relationship go back how it was

Since their fight, things got cold between them, nothing is the same how it was

Jenna admitted that she overreacted, and it was unnecessary what she did, the small actress was on the plane already..

Emma was at home, she's having a day off, which she was glad for, she and asha were talking on the couch as usual

Asha was drinking beer, it wasn't her first one, she was getting a bit intoxicated, Emma didn't drink, she didn't want to

They laughed "yeah, I know" Emma said smiling taking a sip of her smoothie that she made for herself

"It maybe weird, but it tastes good" asha gave her a disgusted look
"Soy sauce and ice cream can't be good"

Emma laughed she didn't realize asha got closer to her "I thought that too, but I tried it, and it was amazing, Jenna didn't like it though"

Asha rolled her eyes "she doesn't like anything" Emma raised an eyebrow in confusion "she does like a lot of things"

Emma said smiling to herself, she truly loved Jenna, no one and nothing can change her mind about that

"Like what?" Her friend asked, Emma began to think "she likes reading, she likes when we cuddle, especially if I lay on her, and a lot of dirty things"

Emma said the last part in a breathy tone, she remembered the last time they had sex, it's been a month since they saw each other

The brunette could only imagine how great it will be to finally hug her lover, and to finally 𝘵𝘰𝘶𝘤𝘩 her...

Asha pulled Emma closer, who was surprised not knowing what to do, then Asha pulled Jenna up to dance

Emma laughed as her friend put on some music, they both danced, Asha was really drunk by now, she grabbed Emma

Because she lost her balance, making her fall on the couch, Emma was under her, Asha was straddling her

The brunette didn't know what to do, she tried to push Asha away, but she only leaned closer and laughed

"Please get off" Emma said trying to push the girl off, who just laughed, Emma was red as a tomato, she will not cheat on Jenna that's for sure.

"What the fuck?" The two girls looked at the smaller actress who was standing in the living room, they didn't hear her enter because of the music

Jenna walked over to them, grabbed Asha and pulled her off of Emma, then pushed her out of the hotel, slamming the door behind her

Emma stood up as quickly as possible for a human being, Jenna turned the music off, walked over to Emma

And slapped her across the face, then pushed her "how could you do this?!" Jenna asked raising her voice at her fiancée

"Jenna, I swear it's not what it looked like" Emma tried to save the situation, Jenna pushed her again, then slapped her again

"And yet you said that you didn't cheat!" Emma grabbed Jennas hands before she could slap her again, the girl was small

But very fucking strong "Jenna, please I have done nothing, she crawled on me! I didn't even touch her! I told her to get off but she didn't!"

Jenna was quiet for a second "good" the small one said still in an angry tone, then pulled Emma into a kiss

Who was surprised, but hell how could she resist it, Emma swiped her tongue over Jennas lower lips, access was granted

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