You've changed

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A week has passed, Emma woke up, Jenna was next to her caressing her lower abdomen, making her smile "hey" the brunette said with a soft smile

"Hi" Jenna responded pressing a kiss against the brunettes neck, Emma hummed and smiled softly

"We are alone, want to talk about it?" Jenna asked quietly, still caressing emmas stomach with her fingetips

"I rather not" Emma said in a somewhat cold tone, Jenna sighed but decided to not push things

"That's okay" Jenna whispered into emmas ears, sending shivers down on her spine

"We go back today for your weekly check up" Jenna said and sat up on the bed, looking at emma who was blushing

"I still don't believe this actually happened, my sister screwed up my sex life and my vacation" Jenna was surprised how cold emma got

It was quite wired if she was being honest, Jenna felt like their relationship is falling apart

Emma stood up, she was a lot better now, it didn't hurt now, which was good sometimes the bruising hurt a bit when she made a wrong move

But other than that she was fine, the brunette changed her clothes, Jenna did the same and they went to the doctors office

Jenna was driving, just the two of them, they barley talked, basically they haven't talked at all since they got out of bed

The smaller girl felt her heart breaking she wanted her Emma back, who she was before, sure she has trauma from what happened

But if she could tell her what she feels it would be a lot better, she sighed softly, Jenna was lost in her thoughts

She parked the car and the two girls walked into the hospital and waited a bit before Emma was called into the room

As usual she stripped down from waist down and sat on the table, Jenna was standing next to her, she smiled at her softly

Emma didn't even bother to look at her, making Jenna's smile fade away
"Alright ladies, let's see how you healed"

The doctors said as she walked into the room "I have been good, no pain only if I make a wrong move" Emma said

The woman gave her a soft smile, then examined Emma "okay, you are healing very well, the cream stays, but you don't need the meds anymore"

Emma nodded and started dressing up "meaning?" The blonde asked looking at the doctor "you can go on your vacation after next week, and yes you can start having sex again"

The brunette girl nodded, Jenna touched her shoulder but the taller one pulled away from the touch

"Thank you doctor" Jenna said giving her a weak smile, then the woman left, leaving the two of them alone

Then they went back to the car in silence, they both sat in as usual and Jenna drove away, feeling a tear slip from her eyes

Which she quickly wiped away, Emma noticed this "what's wrong?" The brunette asked, still sounding like she asked it because she had to

Not because she actually cared, Jenna said nothing "pull over" the smaller girl stopped in a park, which was full of trees

And parked the car in one of the slots, they were alone "Jenna, what's wrong?" The cold tone was driving the younger girl crazy

She looked at Emma, with tears in her eyes "seriously? You ask me what's wrong?" Jenna asked as the tears in her eyes threatening to fall

"Yes! Because I don't know!" Emma raised her voice a little, giving Jenna a serious look, who huffed not believing this

"Jenna tell me what's wrong right now! Or I swear I'm leaving you here" Emma said almost yelling at her lover now

The brunette unbuckled her seatbelt when Jenna said nothing "fine!" The smaller girl said, Emma looked at her with a questioning look

"What's wrong?! That you aren't the same! We don't talk! We don't do anything! Seriously nothing! You are cold! You don't care! You are behaving like a complete bitch! And I understand what you went through! I do because I have been through that too! I tried so hard! So hard to make this relationship work!"

Emma was taken aback by Jenna shouting at her

"But you don't seem to care! You isolate yourself from the world! You haven't eaten in two days! I'm getting sick and tired of this behavior of yours! I really fucking do! I'm trying to help you! I did everything I could! And it's not enough because you are still not better! And I'm tired of it! I'm tired of seeing you without a single emotion on your face! I'm tired of seeing you like this Emma!"

Jenna finished her monologue, Emma felt her own eyes tearing up, while Jenna was already crying, she started when she began yelling

"You're tired?! You are tired!? How do you think I feel?! These past weeks been the worse time of my life! And it's all because of you! Everything is because of you! You ruined my life! That's all you do! Ruin people's lives!"

Jenna sniffed and nodded "okay, I won't ruin your life anymore" Emma nodded "good" the smaller girl took off the ring Emma gave her

A promise ring, she threw it at her then got out of the car, slamming the door behind her, then starting to walk home

So she can pack her stuff and leave, Emma stayed there for a long amount of time, just thinking about what happened

She sat in the drivers seat and drove home, by the time she got there Jenna was packing her stuff

The smaller girl entered the house with tears falling from her eyes, Emma's family was confused "Jenna? What happened?"

Nicole asked as she walked after the actress "nothing, we are over, I'm going home" Jenna said and began to pack her stuff into the bag she brought with herself

"What? What did she do?" Jeremy asked as he stood in the doorway, the small actress said nothing, and kept putting her stuff away

Soon they heard Emma entering the house slamming the door behind herself then walking upstairs

"You have more stuff, take them all" Emma said and began to gather Jenna's things, she basically threw them to Jenna

"Real mature!" The smaller one said raising her voice at her "oh yeah! Because you are so mature yourself! Miss perfect!"

Jenna huffed and put her stuff down, now the family was just looking at them in a confused way, Izzy and Olivia was there too now

"I am not perfect! And you know that! You just live in your fucking fantasy world that you can't snap out of!" Emma huffed

And threw a glass of water at her which was on the bedside table "you are one crazy bitch Emma myers!" Jenna yelled at from the top of her lungs now

"You're the one taking!? I don't have a dad that killed someone!" Jenna gasped and took a step closer "you! You fucking bitch! I hate you so much!"

Nicole felt her eyes tearing up, Izzy pulled Olivia down stairs so she doesn't have to watch this

"The feeling is mutual! You are just a selfish bitch! You ruined my life! I wish I never met you! Then I wouldn't be here right now! I would be happy!"

Jenna nodded and said nothing, she bit the inside of her cheek and gathered her stuff

Emma started to regret what she said to Jenna, but the smaller girl didn't care about it

She made her way out of the house...

Nicole and Jeremy said goodbye...

Emma stayed upstairs...

And started to cry...

She really regretted what she said to Jenna and did, that girl didn't deserve that...

But maybe it's better like this....

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