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Jimin, taehyung,jungkook, yn and rose all are now in a restaurant waiting for there dinner.
As its 7pm now they decided to eat outside and then hed home.

"So are you ready,"(k) Jungkook asked
"Yes I am born ready,"(k) taehyung said
"Are you both sure, you both have less alcohol tolerance,"(k) jimin said with a concerned face,
"Yes, and you also join us,"(k) jungkook said showing him a glass
"No no there is someone needed to take you all home,"(k) jimin said shaking his head

"What are they talking about, are they badmouthing me," (E) yn asked to rose
"No no taehyung and jungkook are a soju drinking competition,"(E) rose replied
"Oh, it will be fun let's see," (E) yn whisper

Both the boys drinking
1..2...3. 4........9 glasses

"Uh i wa..ant to go to washroom,"(k) taehyung said getting up from seat
"Me too hyung coming," (k) jungkook said

Both of them holds each other hand and start going to washroom,
Jimin looked at them and start eating his dessert.
Yn look at them then at rose who was also half drunk because she decided to try soju for the first time

"Me going to get juice," (E) rose said and in reply yn nob her head

Jimin tap on yn shoulder and ask her by shaking his hand that where she is going
Yn did a drinking sign and continue eating.

Rose was walking when suddenly she bumped into a man.
The poor man beer fall on the ground,
"Yaaaa you bitch can't you see huh," (k) he shouted
"S..sorry sir it was a mistake," (k)rose replied
"You are drunk, why do you drink when can't tolerate,"(k) man said in a mocking tone
"Sorry sir, i will pay for your beer," (k)rose said and bows,
"You think I can't pay for my beer, by the way if you want you can pay by one thing,"(k) man said and made a disgusting smirk.

Seeing his smirk rose understood what he is referring, without wasting a time she ran to her table.

"I want her now,"(k) man shouted and soon 5 bodyguard from back ran behind her,

Rose reached her table and hide under it,
Jimin and yn quickly got up seeing her terrified.
The 5 man came from behind,

"Where is that girl," (k) one of them ask.

Jimin came in front and says,"hey what you want," (k)
"Listen shorty, our boss want that girl, so it's better you let her come with us," (k) another man ask,

Yn wasn't able to understanding but seeing the face expression and there way of talking she understood that they are bad people.

"Hey you dare to call me shorty, i am of perfect height you are tally," (k) jimin shouted
"Hey shut up and bring that girl, or get ready to see the consequences," (k) one of them said
"Hmm i am alone is enough for you all let's see," (k) jimin said and made a karate position

One of the man came in front and gave jimin a tight slap to which he goes round and round and fall on ground,
Yn quickly ran to jimin and made him sit,
She looks at those man and goes in front of them,

"Now a girl is here to fight with us," (k) one man said and start laughing

Yn made a boxing position ready to fight,
One man came to punch her, but she stopped his hand and twist it, kick on his knees which made him fall and then pull his hair and slam it on floor, (one down, four more to go)
Everything happened in a blink of second that other opponent didn't even get a time to fight back.

Here jimin and rose are looking at her  with wide eyes,
They both sat on there chair and take one-one glass of juice "ready for the show"

Another man came, he folde his sleeve and holds yn neck,
Yn with her fast and furious speed holds his thumb and twists it,
"Ah ah my thumb you bitch leave it," (k) he shouts.

Without waiting a second yn breaks his thumbs and hit in his knees which make him fall,
She holds a near by bottle and hit on his head, and the unconscious man is now laying on floor (two down three more to go).

"Hey hyung why these two are looking at us,"(k) jungkook said pointing at mirror,
"Hey kungkook look they also look like us,"(k) taehyung said going towards the mirror,
"Tae hyung why they are inside that box, why they are not coming outside,"(k)  jungkook said.
"Look book it's shook hahahaha,"(k) taehyung said and start laughing,
"Hahhahah shook, took hyung" (k) jungkook said and start laughing.

"Wait wait jungkook that girl, she is brat, but she is so butiful like a angel," (k) taehyung said and start looking up.
"Angel mens she can fly, hyung tell her to take me i also want to fly," (K) jungkook said,
"Okay let's gooo,"(K) taehyung said and start running followed by jungkook.

"Damn," this was jimin reaction after seeing the scene in front of him
"She is soo cool,"(K) rose said and rest her head on table,
"Yes,"(k) jimin agreed.

Yn cracks her finger than neck and goes to the near by seat and sits like queen.
Jimin and rose quickly ran and stand beside her, rose passes her the water bottle,

"You you bitch I will not leave you,"(k) said the leader and ran from there,
"What did he said,"(E) yn looked towards rose,
"He will not leave you,"(E) rose translated,
"He is not even holding me, fool," (E) yn said and drank the glass of water.


Wah wah , our strong female lead 😁,
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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29 ⏰

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