The Jealous Type

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"Whoa...It's starting to get difficult to see!"

"Careful driving up to the lookout Rocky, don't want to stall."

The pups drove as slowly and carefully as they could. Through the falling snow, they could make out the familiar shape of their home. Their workload was quite a lot, Chase had directed traffic best he could, the backup of cars had stretched a long way back while Rocky had fixed the broken traffic light. By then though, Snow had coated the roads in and out of Adventure Bay. Both pups had to wait for Rubble and Everest to plow what they could. Driving their vehicles back and forth across town to ensure cars could make it out ok. Ryder had advised Chase and Rocky to head on back home and warm up, staying behind to with Rubble and Everest to help plow snow away from city hall. Seems like Mayor Goodway could not leave out of her front door at this point.

As much as he enjoyed helping, Chase was happy to be heading home. The cold was really nipping at his ears and paws. He felt like his nose was going to fall off his face. He can't imagen Rocky was fairing any better. The mission had distracted him from his lingering thoughts but as he approached the concrete path of the lookout, apprehension struck him again.

"It will be fine! I'm overreacting. Tracker knows Marshall and I are dating. I don't need to be worried...What exactly am I worried about?"

The question still plagued his mind.

The police pup quickly parked his vehicle and raced inside with Rocky. The minute the boys entered the lookout, the warm heated air struck them. Melting away the excess snow off their bodies. Making them feel much more comfortable. It was then when a brown blur suddenly jumped Rocky from the side. Dropping the pup to the floor.

"Welcome back dude!" Zuma cried out, assaulting the recycle pup with several licks to his snout and face.

"Ahhh! Zuma! Heheh! I missed you too!"

Both pups giggled and nuzzled into one another. Chase couldn't help but grin at the loving couple but looked around for his admirer.

"Hey Zuma, Where's Marshall?"

"Oh, he's by the TV. Sleeping next to Tracker."

Chase felt his heart stop, a lump forming in his throat. The police pup slowly walked his way over to the other side of the lookout. The T.V was still on; a weather report continued its live coverage of the blizzard. Chase could make out the small figure of Skye sleeping peacefully on one of the dog beds. He carefully tiptoed past her, trying not to wake her up. As he did, he noticed an opened coloring book out and a few scattered crayons on the floor.

That's when he saw them. Tracker was snuggled up next to Marshall, sleeping peacefully. His boyfriend was sprawled out the floor, His back legs kicking in the air as he slept away. It wasn't exactly cuddling but it wasn't sleeping separately either. Trackers ears started to move, and the pup opened his eyes. Taking a minute to recognize where he was, his eyes met the police pup in front of him. His head immediately shot up.

"Chase! Welcome back!"

"Hey...What are you two..."

On que, Marshall had rolled over, squishing Tracker briefly under him. The pup yelped and Chase fell back in surprise at the sound. Marshall jumped up, shaking himself awake.

"Whoa! What? What happened...Did I fall asleep while drawing...Oh my dog! Tracker are you ok?"

The jungle pup was beat red at having Marshall on him for a moment. It was then that the fire pup noticed his boyfriend staring at the pair. He squeaked in excitement.

Tracks in the Snow (ChaseXMarshall)Where stories live. Discover now