Seen Him Before

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Sora has been driving for an hour now, and she can't help but to keep tutting her mouth in disapproval. Ever since the drive to Jincheon National Training Center, her younger brother was already complaining of his frustrations and fears of the qualifying games. Lee Junho was the biggest baby and coward she has known, and she hated that. She hated hearing negativities because she believes she's to absorb the energy unknowingly.

"Ya, can you shut up? I don't wanna keep hearing your shit. You're so annoying," she snarled at him. 

"You shouldn't have asked me how I'm doing, then! It's more annoying that you're driving me back instead of mom," Junho snapped back at her as he crossed his arms.

Sora could only roll her eyes at him. They say fighting and arguing between siblings is normal, but Junho hated his sister more than anyone else in the world. Well, maybe not the deep, but he hated her guts very much. At a time like this when he needed warmth and support, all he needed was comfort. He was done with the tough love.

"Bitch, where will you find a noona (boy to an older sister; honorific) who drives you anywhere you need to? I'm even giving you advice for your first qualifiers!" she told him.

"We're already qualified," Junho told her quietly as a matter-of-fact. He added, "We'll just have the national team selection today, stupid. Short track doesn't work like basketball."

Sora just scoffed at her brother's comment. She might be mistaken but she believed that she still said the same thing.

Anyone who at least has had a chance to represent the country always believed that there is an invisible wall between the Summer athletes and the Winter athletes. There's just really an unspoken awkwardness and edge so the two sides never really got along with each other.

There were thirty more minutes away from the training center, and it was the first time that they shared silence since they started bickering an hour ago. And for some reason, Sora didn't like it. She didn't like the tension and nerve growing in her heart as they neared. 

It was a surprise when Junho softly said, "I'm super nervous right now, but I can feel your anxiety over the roof of the car."

She glanced at him quick, then back on the road. She asked him, "What do you mean?"

"Dunno, just felt like how you are before games. Uneasy," he remarked. 

Maybe this was why no matter how much they fight as rivals, they'll still be each other's teammate. Junho just knows his sister very well, and this time, it was her turn to hate his guts very much. They can never hide anything from each other.  It was no secret that Sora and Junho never got along with each other, but they're still the usual brother-sister who supported each other.

"It's where I suffer the most after all," she chuckled. 

Walking into one's home ground is a euphoric feeling filled with pride. It gives a sense of belongingness, the reason to keep getting better, and the purpose as to keep showing up. No matter what the sport is, it's for sure the same for every athlete. Junho understands that, the same way he lives to tear up the ice.

When they arrived, Junho immediately got out of the car to unload his things. He also saw some of his teammates from their city's club, who one of them greeted his sister. It was Siwon, "Junho! Sora noona!"

"Hey!" Sora smiled back at Siwon. Seeing his brother's friends made her happy because she saw them grow up with his brother.

Before she can ask how he was doing though, Junho quickly intruded, "Siwon hyung (boy to an older brother; honorific), please just help me with my stuff. Noona will talk non-stop."

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