Chapter nine, The way we fall

Start from the beginning

"I had no one left except Anthony, who clearly cared less about my whereabouts. So no one ever came looking for me. I was left to fend for myself, which I have done quite nicely," Haylee says.

Haylee gives me a look of accusation and I run a hand through my hair. "That's not how it was. I wanted to find you. I was devastated when you vanished. But I had to take care of Willow, you know that. I had to do what was best for her. I figured that you weren't completely gone, I knew you wouldn't go out without doing something about it."

Haylee huffs and looks at the blazing fire in front of her, crossing her arms over her chest. "No matter. Can't change the past, now can you," she says, I can tell she is slightly annoyed. The tone of her voice says it all.

"Look, I'm really sorry, okay? I tried my best," I say, feeling a pang of guilt in my chest.

After a few long moments of silently listening to the fire crackle in the soft breeze, Haylee lays down a few feet away from the fire. "Any, you're on guard for the next four hours or so while I sleep. We'll eventually trade off so you can get some rest as well," Haylee says as if she expects me to agree.

"What about me?" Lena asks, sounding slightly offended.

"Let's face it, you're useless, pretty face. Besides, I'm not about to trust you with my life," Haylee spits the words out at Lena.

"Haylee!" I say, "Don't ever say that again. Lena is the complete opposite of useless."

"I would beg to differ..." Haylee mutters, leaning her head back.

Lena looks at me once Haylee drifts off, I can see how grateful she is, even though all I did was defend her against Haylee's insulting remarks.

We just look at each other. I gaze into her stunning blue eyes, a feeling of serenity passing over me.

I glance down at our hands. They are still clasped together, our fingers entwined in each others.

There is an overwhelming feeling I don't believe I've ever felt before rising up inside me. What's wrong with me? Lena said it herself, we are only allies. Not even friends. Just allies. But what if we could be more? I've grown to be comfortable around Lena, for some reason.

No. What am I thinking? We are here for Willow. I must stay focused.

What if this is just a trick the forest is playing on me? What if none of these confusing feelings are real?

I snap back to reality when Lena yawns. I look at her once again, "You should get some rest, we have a long day ahead of ourselves. I'll wake you in the morning."

She nods sleepily without protesting, leaning her head on my shoulder. I carefully wrap an arm around her as she closes her eyes, I can feel her breath getting slower and slower. It isn't long before Lena falls asleep, cuddled up next to me for warmth.

I stay close to Lena, the night air is chilling. I get goosebumps on my arms from the sudden cold temperature. The fire isn't really helping. I don't know how Haylee is sleeping by herself without a blanket.

I fidget with my fingers, glancing around. I can't see much. The most that is visible is within the five foot radius of dim illumination that the fire gives off.

I look up at the sky. It's completely black, other than the twinkling stars that fill the dark expanse, a half moon high in the sky.

I lean my head back against the tree that is behind me, nervous thoughts clouding my mind. I try not to let anxiety get the better of me. The forest seems even more haunting at this hour. Shadows and noises of the night surround us. I can't let the woods make me feel afraid. Fear only drives the forest to do its worst.

I'm here for Willow.... I'm here for Willow...

Out of nowhere my eyelids begin to grow heavy. My eyes sting from exhaustion. I close my eyes just for a moment to ease my fatigue. I take a deep breath, letting myself relax for a minute. I tell myself not to fall asleep, I need to keep watch. Though I just can't help but let myself drift off for a bit...


I startle awake. My heart is racing. I feel like I'm drenched in sweat, even though the night had been cold. I think I've only been asleep for a few minutes, right?

I sit up and gaze up at the sky. The sun is rising. I've slept for longer than just a few minutes. It's been more like a few hours. Perfect. I've let us all down. But nothing happened... maybe no one has to know.

I peer over at Haylee, she's still sleeping, in the exact same position she was in when she first fell asleep. The fire has died down, leaving behind ashes and charred sticks.

I don't notice it until now, but Lena isn't leaning on me. She isn't beside me like she had been. I look over at where she had been sleeping. My heart practically drops into my stomach. Time seems to stand still. I'm positive she had been right there when I fell asleep. Lena is gone.

~ Continue in chapter ten ~

~ Continue in chapter ten ~

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