Chapter XXIX

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"Is that the last of them?" Disciples of all peaks worked together to clear the city of the debris, rebuilding what they could for the time being. The citizens had been led back to their homes, and those without had been placed in the lord's estate for the foreseeable future until An Ding could work out the necessary resources to help rebuild the destroyed city.

At the moment, however, the most concerning problem was burning every serpent corpse to be found. No trace was to be left, lest any who remained from the pack dare to return for vengeance.

"It should be."

"Damn, these things are heavy."

"What the hell did you expect? These things are taller than even Qiong Ding's Ancestral Hall!"

"Oh, shut up!"

"Make me!"

"All of you!" Qi Qingqi scoffed at the bickering, glaring balefully while the rest all scurried away from her. Such a menacing aura! "Enough with your squabbling and finish your work! We have to leave for the sect by midday!"

"Yes, Shijie!"


Qi Qingqi set back to her own work, helping unload supplies that survived the attack, the supplies gifted from neighboring cities, and even a few crates from Hua Huan Palace...Lazy bastards.

"Shijie," What was he doing out of the estate!? "Do you need any help?"

"I need you to stop finding ways to sneak out of the estate." Qi Qingqi glared at her martial brother. How was he so good at sneaking? For a blind kitten, he was nefariously crafty. She didn't need that brute Liu Qingge or the little wolf in sheep's clothing Luo Binghe causing a ruckus trying to drag him back again! "Weren't you ordered to stay out of the strenuous work?"

Shen Yuan rolled his eyes, ah that expression, how similar it was to her Shen-shixiong, truly like father like son. "This one has suffered no further flair-ups from Without-a-Cure, nor has he had any reason to stay away from work." Seriously, he was fine! A day's worth of sleep and Liu Qingge's passive-aggressive meridian cleansing and he was right as rain! This was over the top!

Qi Qingqi huffed at her Shidi. Stubborn it seemed, even if this were their first mission together, she couldn't say that she hadn't been entirely impressed by him. Battling over twenty Deadly-Coiled Serpents all at once without even raising his blade? It is truly a feat befitting the Head Disciple of Ling Shou but with the self-preservation skills of a baby bird with a broken wing!

She couldn't blame either her Shen-shixiong or Yue-shixiong for being so protective and rather secretive with this son of theirs! If they didn't, he'd run headfirst into danger and think of the consequences after all of his limbs were broken!

While it had already been a few days since Liu Qingge carried Shen Yuan back to the estate with Luo Binghe trailing no less than a centimeter behind him, demanding medical assistance immediately while he cleared Shen Yuan's meridians, the lasting effect was still there.

It had been a miracle that Ling Shou hadn't all but started a brawl with Bai Zhan. A few immediately tried to pounce the Bai Zhan Head Disciple and its top Core disciple the moment they saw their Xiao-Shidi in such a state so they could tend to him themselves. Truly pack animals. But Bai Zhan was just as aggressive and returned the slight tenfold by starting a duel with those who had tried to jump their own, and when one Ling Shou disciple was attacked, the pack would be there instantaneously to deal with the threat.

Jiong Qingshi had all but beaten a few with his staff when they wouldn't settle down upon his instruction, and she had been the first to bind those unwilling to cooperate with her silk. Made from the Stone Spiders in the west mountain caverns, their silk was as flexible and soft as a flowing stream, but just as indestructible and hard as stone when used properly.

A Broken Heart Still Beats.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें