Chapter XXII

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This was awkward.

This was so, so very awkward.

Two lifetimes he's waited to finally speak about this with both of his soulmates and none of them could get a damn word out!

Perhaps they all were waiting for someone to start, or perhaps none of them could find the right words to say, but they were just...sitting there. Silent, and fucking awkward!

Emperor of the Demon Realm, Lord Luo Binghe, Junshang of all three realms, and I can't even find the right words now!? He was furious! What was this!? He had united all three realms, both through force and persuasion; he had talked himself into his position of Emperor when he had won every battle. He was damn nearing his mid-thirties at least in mental age, and he couldn't even start this incredibly necessary and imperative conversation!?

Gazing flickering over to Liu Qingge, the head disciple seemed just as lost, if not entirely indifferent! A stony and cold expression on his face, as if this meant nothing! Yes, he knew that this Shixiong of his had a terrible habit of hiding behind a grumpy expression, but at the moment, that little quirk was not appreciated!

He tried his best to think of how he talked his way into his wives' arms, earning their loyalty and desire through words—and actions—but upon thinking more of it, every tactic he had used back then would likely earn him either a bloody duel from Liu Qingge or a complete shutdown from Shen Yuan.

I don't remember these things being this hard...

Liu Qingge on the other hand, was incredibly confused. Hadn't Luo Binghe wanted to talk about these things? He'd been nagging him for a few months now about it. Why had he gone quiet all of a sudden? However, whenever he looked over at Shen Yuan, there was a similar expression of confusion and uncomfortableness. Truly, none of them had thought this through.

What does one even speak about in these situations? We know we are all soulmates, what more is there to it? He inquired to himself. He'd heard a few of his Shidi and Shimei gossiping once or twice about these things, normally their talk was rather depraved and always left Liu Qingge rather irritable that they would have the gall to speak of such things outside of a secluded area. But at the moment, it was all he could remember for some clue as to where to start.

Always one to get straight to the point, he inquired, "We know we are soulmates, where from here do we wish to start?" they were even more confused.

"Start? Start what?" Shen Yuan asked, raising a brow at Liu Qingge's rather rough question.

Luo Binghe glanced at him, huffing as he said, "Is Qingge propositioning a relationship of sorts?" He couldn't help but smirk. This was rather unexpected. "This one is rather surprised at his boldness."

Liu Qingge flustered at Luo Binghe's teasing, snarling as he bit out. "Luo Binghe! Don't be depraved!"

"Me? Depraved?" Luo Binghe gasped with fake hurt, going as far as to pretend to fall from a blow onto the bed next to Shen Yuan. Whining and feigning hurt. "Shixiong! How cruel of you! This Shidi was merely trying to understand your proposition! Yuan-shidi! I'm being bullied!"

"Shameless brat!" Liu Qingge growled, tackling Luo Binghe on the bed as the two grabbed at each other, snarling, and smacking each other. "Shut your mouth before I bruise it shut!"

"I'll hang you by your ankles!"

"Do you want me to break your legs?!"

Shen Yuan jumped out of the way of their wrestling, moving to the end of the bed as he laughed at their shouting. They truly fought like children. Silly and with no tried-and-true malice behind it. Finding an opening, he reached into their conjoined mess of limbs and pulled on both of them until one was grabbed by the ankle and the other by the wrist, holding both of them far enough apart the same way one would holding apart a fighting cat and dog.

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