Chapter 11

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Zatanna and I walk down the ridiculously grand stairs, my hands hidden in my hoodies pockets. My hearing picks up on a lot of noise, multiple voices talking over each other. I look at the woman next to me in confusion. She grins and chuckles lightly, "It's the teams annual get together, the one day where we all take a break..." She stops her words quickly before continuing. "Take a day off from work to see everyone."

Now the multitude of voices make sense.

She leads me into the dining room where the smell of food hits my senses, my stomach grumbles in protest of its emptiness. We walk inside and wow, there's a lot of people here.

There's the four boys, the adopted and Blood Wayne's, the group from the other day. Minus Zatanna who's still stood with me. And even more others, all completely different from the last.

A blur goes around the room when unexpectedly a person is stood in-front of me. I jump back slightly, my eyes wide as I look at him. "Bart Allen." He holds a hand out with a very wide and mischievous grin. "Dahlia." I introduce myself, ignoring his hand to look out to the table full of food.

"Let's eat." Zatanna tells me, linking arms as I'm led to a seat at the table. She places me on a chair next to Dick, she takes the empty one next to me.

"Hey stranger." Dick teased me with a smirk on his face, already eating a plate full of food. I shake my head at his teasing with a small smile, "Hey."

"Oh, Dahlia I'd dig into the food before the black holes over there eat it all." Artemis warns me from across the table, gesturing to Wally and Bart with a smirk. I watch the two look up from their piles of food with wide eyes.

A soft laugh escapes me as I gaze at all of the food across the table. "I can see why there's so much food." My voice comes out quieter than expected, throat a little scratchy.

I shift in my seat as Zatanna passes me a server of pastries. I give her a small smile, grabbing a croissant before putting it on my plate.

As I eat, my eyes wander over each person in the room not knowing who half of these people are. "That's Gar." A voice whispers in my ear causing me to jerk in my seat.

I look to my left and see Dick really close to me, I follow his hand to see him pointing at one of the younger people at this table. I nod, listening to him as he tells me who everybody is.

So to list everyone at the table, first there's obviously Dick, Jason, Damian and Tim.

Then Zatanna, Kaldur, Conner, Megan, Wally and Artemis.

Now for the new ones, there's Gar or Garfield, Barbara, Kory, Jamie, Bart, Cassie, and then Roy. My eyes narrow at the last one, I feel like I....

"And that's everyone." Dick finally finishes with a grin, interrupting my thoughts. "There's a lot." I tell him quietly with a smile. He laughs at my words with a nod. "I know. You'll get used to it."

I hope so.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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