Chapter 7

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We had been shopping for a few hours now, I had stacked up quite a few bags with the help of the girls and a few comments from the boys.

Right now, we decided to stop and grab some food. Wally and Artemis went to order our food, I told them to pick whatever for me, what with having no clue what there is.

Everyone else is sat at a table big enough to fit all eight of us, I sit between Megan and Kaldur. It is more busy right now because it's around lunch time, and I feel very overwhelmed. My fingers tap at the table, my leg bouncing under the table.

This is the longest amount of time I have been out in the open since... Yeah, safe to say I can't wait to get home.

Unbeknownst to me, some form of static electricity swirls around my fingers. I get knocked out of my overwhelming trance by a weight on my hand. I look to my left, seeing that Kaldur had placed his hand atop mine. He gives me a tiny smile, tapping the back of my hand before moving his away and I look away from him just as Wally and Artemis come back a lot of food.

They pass out everybody's order until they got to mine, and Wally says with a grin. "We didn't know what to choose for you, so we got you a load of different foods." He slides a tray full of meat, salads and desserts towards me and I stare at it with wide eyes. "And don't worry if you don't eat it all, Wally will have the rest." The blonde laughs, teasingly nudging Wally and I grin at her.

By the time we leave the food court, Wally is still eating. It amazes me how much that boy can eat, it's like he has a black hole for a stomach. I stare at him incredulously as he eats a donut and a burger at the same time, my stomach turns at the thought of the two completely different tastes mixed together. But Wally seems to be enjoying himself, so all to their own.

None of us girls are holding our bags anymore as the boys demanded we let them hold them for us, such gentlemen. Not that I'm complaining, I don't really have the muscles to carry the bags for so long.

I walk slightly ahead of everyone, still gazing around the mall as we walk past all different kinds of shops and stalls. I pick up on the faint murmuring behind me from the others, but that doesn't slow my walking.

I lost count of the amount of times I have almost walked into someone, this place is still so crowded.

As I'm lost in my thoughts, I do actually walk into someone. I apologise but freeze as I get a good look at the persons face. They look at me before walking off.

"Dahlia?" A voice knocks out of my frozen state. Zatanna, a voice whispers. "You okay?" She asks softly, I nod and look at her. "Just..thought I recognised that person." Zatanna smiles at me, linking our arms together and we walk together which makes me feel better instantly.

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