10. The one with the best friends

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They didn't live far from each other but for some reason, the trip was taking longer than usual. Brushing elbows, they walked together under the orange streetlights, not a care in the world. Okay. Maybe just one care.

"Ahm... Taehyung?"

God he loved the way she said his name. It sounded so sweet and tangible. It sounded like he was a completely different person, like she was calling out for someone else, a good boy. Not Taehyung the trouble maker, who was so scarred by his father leaving that he decided to always be the one to walk away first from any type of feeling. With her, he was just Taehyung, a clean slate. A blank canvas. He could be anything he wanted to be just because Jade said so.

"Yes, Jade?"

She'd gotten so used to being called Einstein or smart pants, that Jade didn't sound right coming out of Tae's mouth. Still, the way he said it, made her somehow aware of his closeness.

"Why did you lie back there?" Neither took their eyes from the pavement. They kept walking steadily.

He hesitated. Why? Even Taehyung didn't know the answer to that. He saw Jade struggling and jumped, saying the first thing that popped into his mind.

"It doesn't have to be a lie." He finally said with a sheepish smile. "We can go. If you still want to see the exhibition."

For a moment, Jade was speechless. What was happening? Why was Taehyung being so nice? First he comforted her after she third wheeled Nari and Namjoon, then this? Did they have an assignment coming up and he needed help? Or... could it be they have become friends? It definitely felt like more than whatever they started out like. At least for her.

She started being protective of Taehyung. In the school hallways, toilets and wherever she would hear people gossiping about the psycho teenager, she would defend him fiercely. Telling them they had no idea what they were talking about. Tae wasn't crazy. He wasn't stupid. He was incredibly intelligent and well read. Witty and funny. Courageous and fearless. They didn't know the real Taehyung.

And you do? Know him? They would ask.

The answer was simple.
She really did.
She started to peel off the layers to the this wonderful boy, and she wasn't planning to stop soon.

"Would you really take me to see it?"

"I mean, why not? I like art and I tolerate you!" He joked, earning a shy smile in return.

That's it, Jade decided. He's being a friend. This is a friendly, nice gesture. He's taking pity on her. That's all. There's no way he likes her, likes her. And even if, in some kind of parallel universe, he did, her heart, broken as it was, still belonged to his older brother.

"You..." the right words wouldn't come. "would this be a ... " she cleared her throat, "I mean, back at your house, you said..."

"Relax, Einstein. The date part was because Namjoon was there, parading the idea of him and Nari in front of you like it was nothing and I just snapped."

Pity. This was pity, she had to remind herself. But she was touched, nonetheless. It was nice to have someone in her corner for once.

"Thanks, Tae. You're a good friend." She tested the word. Something in her chest dropped. It felt like a rock swinging onto her heart. She ignored it.

"Thank me by making Namjoon regret not noticing you." He stops walking and looks at her. Waits for eyes to meet his. "I know you said you're done with him, but I saw your face when he mentioned picking you up. You almost cried."

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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