Break 1

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“No, sorry headmaster but Miss Jackson needs to eat than sleep.” Luicus cut in before his son said something brash.

“Well I am sure she wouldn’t mind.” Dumbledore tried.

“I will talk to the headmaster.” Said the voice of the daughter of the sea.

“Are you sure, Percy?” Narcissa asked as Draco frowned.

“Yes Mama Malfoy,” Percy smiled.

Percy knew the rules, never look anyone in the eye, never show fear and that she had been through a enough shit that she was a queen.

Good. Dumbledore thought.

“Right this way Miss Jackson.” Dumbledore gestured to the room behind the hall.

Percy waltz into the room, “What would you like to talk about Headmaster?”

“Please sit Percy.” Dumbledore gestured to the chair set in the room.

“I preferred standing.” Percy glared, “And don’t call me Percy.”

“Sorry Miss Jackson. Now I wanted to talk about this power you seem to have…” Dumbledore smiled at the girl, trying his ‘grandfather’ face.

“What about it?” Percy raised an eyebrow.

“You see, there is a war going on in this world. And-” Dumbledore started.

“You want me to fight of your side?” Percy picked at her nails.

“Well..Yes, it would be beneficial to the good side.” Dumbledore nods, “But you would be fighting for what is right…and you would be protecting so many people….Heir Malfoy included.”

Percy smirked, leaning forward,”No.”

“What?” Dumbledore looked surprised.

He was sure she would say yes. He figured she wouldn’t want Malfoy hurt.

“No. See I know about the war. And I know what each side wants. Draco, Luna, Neville and my kids will be safe. See you may think Tom was the only Slytherin left but you were wrong.”

Dumbledore froze.

“My cousin and I already working on your downfall. You were trying to kill my grandmother.” Percy smirked darkly, with her tired face and baggy eyes she truly looked evil. She walked to Dumbledore, whispering, “Now we will kill you. And I will make sure everything  you tried to stop grows and thrives.”

She walked out of the room, leaving the fear filled headmaster.

Potter saw her walking out of the room, “Hey Jackson!”

“What?” Percy acted innocent once more.

“Did you know Malfoy was once turned into a ferret?” Potter laughed.

“Was he okay?” Percy asked, concerned, of course she knew, Draco complained about it during their weekly IMs.

“Who cares?” Weasel laughed.

“I do…Why are you laughing?” Percy looked confused.

“Because it is funny.” Granger giggled.

“How?” Percy asked.

“What?” Potter stopped laughing.

“How is it funny that a student could have been hurt and traumatized?” Percy pushed.


“Tell me.” Percy looked them in the eyes. “I wanna laugh too.”

“Nevermind.” Potter mutter, “Well you can sleep in our common room tonight.”

“No.” Percy walked over to Draco and the others.

“What was that about?” Neville asked.

Percy told them as her and Draco filled a plate for each person in their circle. They all laughed, eating and catching up with each other.

“Hey,” Blasie walked up to the group, “I am Blaise.” He held out his hand to Percy.

“Percy.” She shook his hand. “You the one who put green dye in Draco’s bodywash?”

“Yes.” Blaise grinned.

“Nice, I think we will be great friends.”

“Yay!” Blaise grinned.

After dinner, everyone went off to their dorms and the guests went to the come and go room. Draco and Percy were the last ones up. They walked down the room hall until they reached the end of the hall with a door. It had their names scripted into it.

Percy stepped into the room first, taking in the sight of a King Sized bed and a desk plus chair in the room, there was a closet and bathroom too.

Draco followed the love of his life into their shared bedroom, “Do you want to shower? Since you were fighting.”

Percy nods, taking the path to the restroom. SHe closed the door behind her and turned on the cold water. She took her cold shower, the best kind.

After the two finished getting ready for bed, Draco wearing some sweatpants and Percy wear his sweater, they cuddled into each other.

“Did you want to tell me something?” Draco whispered.

“Um…oh yeah, um Draco-I um fuck…” Percy stuttered out.

“You what?”

“I-I missed you.” Percy couldn’t get herself to confess her feelings.

“I missed you too Seaweed Brain.” Draco wanted to tell her so badly.

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