How's Your Day Going?

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As the rest of the day goes on, Callen remains quiet about Katherine and any information he knows from his team. The team? They're concerned. They know Callen can handle his own but this is different. They know he's not one for relationships or long term things, they haven't even met his 'hook ups' so what makes this one so different? What makes Katherine so different? Secrets. Secrets make her different. A secret between her and Callen. Something that Callen doesn't wish for the team to know, for their sake... But that doesn't stop the team from being concerned, especially Sam.

Sam knows Callen, they've been partners for years now. Callen sometimes comes over to Sam's home, whether that be for dinner or to see his kids... Yes that's right, Callen is practically an uncle to Sam's two children and his wife Michelle? Her and Callen have a very good bond. It shows off something in Callen that people don't see or something that he doesn't let people see often.

But moving forward with the day, as Callen updates Hetty on the case progression and talking her through a way of getting the team off the case whilst always ensuring it remains open... It takes some conviction. A lot of conviction. He'll have to try again tomorrow but with more stability in his story, more evidence as to why NCIS can't- no, shouldn't be on this case no more. He eventually heads home and gets 'ready' for this drink with Katherine... And by get ready I mean throw on a fresh shirt and put deodorant on.

And Katherine? She likes her games. Likes to get her way even if it means sacrificing a little something in return. Though killing isn't much of a sacrifice, she doesn't do it often or unless she finds it necessary... But Callen doesn't know that and that is what Katherine likes. To have some type of control over a situation.

As Katherine's day progresses, she makes her rounds across LA. Checking any contacts that remain to ensure her safety here remains for now. She goes back to her hotel, freshens up and prepares herself for the night ahead... She's excited, she loves to have fun. She enjoys the control she has over Callen, even if it's slight. But she always quite enjoys the back and forth she has with him. He's tough, mean, disciplined... But she knows that exterior all too well, it's all too familiar. It's the one she has put on for centuries.

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