He's on his way...

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...It was early in the morning, it was a beautiful day, really, the flower's were blooming, the bird's were singing, and the sun was shining...and yagoo hated it all, he was back in his office sitting in his office chair again, he had woken up early, to get this phone call over with.

Sometimes the fact that this building didn't have window's, it really got to him sometimes, he knew it did get to some of the other resident's in this place, well...not like any of them were really sane to begin with, though he hoped his plan would go well, he really did.

He wasn't sure how the girl's would take it, they were always a bit wary of new people, they were a bit more trusting toward's girl's, it took them a bit longer to warm up to men, some of them not really liking men at all...but, the person he wanted to hire here...was the farthest thing away from being human.

He just hoped everything would go well, with a sigh he pulled out his phone, as he prepared himself, to call his old...acquaintance, he opened up his contact's, as he scrolled down and found the contact he was looking for...


...He just stared at the contact for a moment, before he quickly reaffirmed himself, there were to many unknown's about this organization, he wasn't gonna risk the safety of the people that worked for him, he needed someone he could trust with his idol's safety...so with a determined look on his face, he hit call as he held the phone up to his ear.







???: "What do you want, yagoo." A deep voice emanated from the phone, as someone picked up.

Yagoo: "...I need your help, meruem." He hoped he'd listen to his request at the very least, instead of just hanging up on him.

Meruem: "...I'll give you 10 minutes." Yagoo was the only human being, he actually respected...to an extent.

Yagoo: "Thank you! thank you for listening to my request, so i'll make it quick..."  Yagoo paused as he tried to word what he was gonna say correctly.  "...I'm sure you've heard of vtu-" He was promptly cut off.

Meruem: "Nope, never heard of them." He never kept up to date with human stuff, he preferred to be left alone to his own solitude, human's were annoying.

Yagoo: "...Oh, well uhm...they're basically just online entertainer's in a sense, or in simpler term's, idol's." He should've expected that, meruem was never one to care about human stuff.

Meruem: "Huh? Online entertainer's? idol's? I don't really understand that stuff, but alright, but exactly what does this have to do with me yagoo. Don't waste my time, you wouldn't have called if it wasn't serious." He did like yagoo, somewhat, he just didn't like it when his time was wasted.

Yagoo: "...I need your help, meruem. There's been some sort of organization trying to capture my idol's, and i need a bodyguard for them, someone to protect them for me." He hoped meruem would agree, if he didn't, he'd have bring out his last resort.

Meruem: "...A body guard? Are you serious yagoo? You know i don't bother with human's." All of this sounded ludicrous to him, but he was a man of his word, he said he'd give yagoo 10 minutes, and that 10 minutes wasn't over.

Yagoo: "I-I know that! But please, i promise that this isn't just some regular idol organization, my organization is more than just online entertainer's, there's a plethora of people that work for me, ranging the apprentice of death, to literal time traveler's! Please, at least give it a chance." If this didn't work, it'd be time to bring out his trump card, his final tool to convince meruem.

Meruem: "...Fine i'll give you a chance yagoo...so alright, i'll protect your house of brat's, i'll be there "bodyguard", just tell me where you wanna meet." Meruem agreed, he wasn't sure why he agreed, but it did at least sound sort of entertaining...so he'd protect yagoo's brat's from whatever punk's were after them.

Yagoo: "Thank you! You really have no idea how much this mean's to me! But i can't disclose the location of the building, so i'll turn on a...beacon, you should be able to sense it, and you can make your way here." Yagoo was smiling brightly now that he had convinced meruem, and now he DIDN'T have to get a elephant just to convince meruem to work here.

Meruem: "Yeah yeah, just make sure you keep that thing on then, no clue how far away i am from your location." Then, meruem promptly hung up the phone.

Now leaving yagoo alone with his thought's again, he was glad that it had worked out, he was glad he managed to successfully convince meruem to actually show up, though that didn't mean his problem's were done just yet, there was still some other thing's he had to take care of.

He still had to tell everyone else about what he just did, hiring a new bodyguard for the girl's without telling them...and that wasn't even to accounting for meruem's appearance..sighing, he got up from his chair as he left his office, and began walking down a hallway.

He continued strolling down the hallway, trying to stay as quiet as possible, he didn't want to alert anyone as to what he was doing, it'd be incredibly awkward to try and explain what he was doing, it wasn't like he wasn't going to explain eventually, but he'd prefer to do it a bit later, after he turned the beacon on.

Sighing as he made a left turn and headed into a room, the room that held the beacon, wasn't that far from his office, it was a simple device...well not really simple, but the way you activated it was simple, a press of a button and it'd activate...thank god for amelia.

He calmly walked over to the machine after he closed the door, he pressed the button on the machine, causing blue energy to begin gathering up, before it released it in giant pulse of energy, although it didn't do any damage to the room.

Suddenly yagoo jumped in fright as he turned around, as to why he jumped? well that'd be because of the voice that just rang out in the room, which he though he was alone in, the voice coming from right behind him.

"...Uhm, mr.yagoo...what are you doing?"

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