A bodyguard...? - Revamped

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Deep, and i mean deep in a unknown forest, there was a building, a large gray colorless windowless building, it looked pretty plain to be completely honest, well it wasn't anything close to plain, but we aren't to that just yet.

The building sat deep near the middle of the forest, it looked pretty abandoned to be honest, there were vine's covering the outside of the building, crack's lined the wall's causing it to genuinely have an a abandoned sort of feeling to it.

There were large trees surrounding the building, unnaturally large. Forming a sort of barrier around the building, to be quite honest, the entire jungle was flourishing with life, as if the forest had been untouched by humanity, untainted. Left to grow undisturbed.

Or maybe there was some other sort of force causing the forest to be this lush with life?

Guess we'll never know!

Anyways, now to the important part.

To be blunt, this building was not abandoned. It simply looked this way to keep away potential intruder's, which i doubt has ever been an issue, the forest scenery was so thick, it was incredibly hard to move through unless you knew the forest like you knew the back of your hand.

Someone actually finding this building, would simply be pure luck.

But as to why this place was so securely hidden? Simple, because of the people the building housed.

To be blunt, this building was owned by the agency known as "hololive".

A place housing "virtual realitytuber's", or to put it simply "vtubers", essentially they are online idol's, who connect with there audience through "virtual avatar's", over the year's they have become extremely popular, though they've faced there fair share of hate.

But, what vtuber hasn't?

Each of these idol's, were there own person, with each and every idol having there own "created" backstories, there own personality's, there own quirk's, essentially they were all unique in there own way, which is probably what made them become so popular, so fast.

Though, i forgot to mention one thing, there "created" backstories, were not created, they were reality.

It's pretty damn insane when you think about, being's ranging from the apprentice of death itself, to time traveler's, all the way to mother nature herself, all were essentially "idol's" working for the same agency.

Hololive wasn't a joke, they took there agency very seriously, treating there idol's despite what they were, with the utmost care and respect, all of this was founded by a man, a man simply known as "yagoo", strangely no one actually knew his real name.

He refused to tell anyone his actual name, as to why? He told people he thought it was funny.

He founded this agency, it was essentially his pride and joy.

To see his dream become something so grand, filled him with nothing but happiness.

To be able to create a place where so many different type's of people could come together, and become friends, to become family. It made him incredibly happy. But you see, as of right now, yagoo had a problem.

We cut to inside the building, deep into the building in a unknown location, we see inside an office where a man sat, the boss himself, yagoo.

...Yagoo has not been having a particularly nice day.

He sat in his chair slumped over as he seemed to be going over some documents, documents that contained information, that well...

Let's just say, it wasn't exactly good information.

The document's detailed how one of there idol's, fubuki shirakami, from the japanese branch of hololive, or putting it simply, "Hololive JP"  had reported that she had felt like she was being followed once she had left the barrier surrounding's the Hololive JP building.

Thankfully, the document stated that she made it back to the building safely, though as you've probably already imagined...

This was, of course a issue.

That meant someone at least knew the general location of there building's, and that worried him, greatly.

The document stated that once she re-entered the building, the feeling of being watched had vanished. So that meant whoever was watching her, couldn't make it past the barrier which was of course a good thing, obviously.

But, that's exactly what worried him so much, he knew next to nothing about what happened, why was someone following her? HOW had someone managed to find the location of one of their buildings, was it just one person? Or was it a group of people? He didn't know, and he hated that.

Just because they couldn't get past the barrier now, didn't mean they couldn't.

He needed to take extra precaution, he wouldn't let someone hurt the thing he's put so much effort into creating.

...But what exactly could he do? He had next to zero information about these supposed people that knew such information about his agency...

...Well, there was one thing he could do.

Yagoo's POV
...I was sitting alone in my office, racking my brain for any sort of idea, something i could, i didn't know how serious this situation was, or how serious it could become, and i despised that fact greatly.

I knew i had to take precautions, despite the fact that the people who lived in the building, were not weak by any mean's. There was something that still worried me. Why?

Why was someone following one of hololive's idols? Did they know about the supernatural aspect of hololive? How had they found out? How had they managed to escape fubuki shirakami's senses, they were inhumane, no regular human could escape her sense of smell...what was their purpose? 

...Everything was so unknown, and i hated it.


I needed a second opinion...

Narrator's POV
Yagoo leaned forward slightly in his chair, and pushed a small button on his desk and spoke into it.

Yagoo: "...A-chan, please come to my office as soon as possible."

Then he leaned back into his chair again as he took a moment to relax, because he felt that his stress was no where near done...but that was fine, he might've been a regular human, with no sort of special power, but he would do his all to protect everyone, he would figure something out.


A couple minutes later, the door to his office opened as someone stepped inside.

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