It's Just The Beginning

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Nyx wakes up staring at the sky, the clouds crisp but the skies have an aura of fear. Like they are warning you to get out. He scrambled to try and get onto his feet, failing and falling back to the floor. After a minute a shadow looks over Nyx, a blonde boy, he looks about Nyx's age....well looks, Nyx can't remember his age. Only his name.

"You okay kid?" The person asks - he has a subtle accent it's kind of soothing in a way - holding a hand out to him. "Names Newt. You?"

Nyx scrambles to get any words out but fails and only manages to make a noise.

"A scared one. Let me show you around. I'll get your name later." Newt grabs Nyx's wrist and hauls him onto his feet. "Be careful here kid, it's not nice at night"

"U-uhh...Okay....My name's N-Nyx..." He barely manages out

" name kid."


Nyx and Newt walk for a while, Newt naming all the places they walk past. Nyx's attention slips as he sports a group of people, four people to be exact. Four people who are very much taller, stronger and most likely faster than him.

Newt snaps his fingers

"Kid, eyes forward, you could be in trouble if your caught staring."

"A-ah! Sorry...."

Newt was too slow, one of the four people walk up to the pair, he was tall, muscular and had dark hair. The man's eyes glistened like stars in an inky purple sky.

"Who's this kid Newt?"

"Oh hey Rhysand, this is Nyx. Found him by the trees."

"Least he wasn't in the forest, that would've been bad"


Nyx speaks up

"What is this place...?"

"This is the Glade kid" Rhysand replies, his voice is gruff but with an aura of familiarity but Nyx brushes it off.

"The Glade?"

"Yeah, this big green area you see is the Glade" Rhys points at the mountain "That's the RockFall" then at the massive iron walls "Behind these walls is the Maze..We have runners, they run around the Maze and map out any new paths they find, but they have to be back by dusk or they are stuck in there until the morning, barely anyone survives"

"What's in there.?" Nyx has a regret of asking but his curiosity gets the better of him

"Creatures, you'd be dead in minutes. Seconds if your lucky. No one has lived through the night."

"What about the mountain?"

"No one has made it past half way and gotten back alive. Same story, anything on there would kill you in minutes."

||You won't survive the night if you go in there, its no use||

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27 ⏰

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