Part 15

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Henry hated being at the hospital. One thing for sure he spent a lot of time there when his father was sick accompanying him during his chemotherapy as much as he can although he didn't get to do that very often being away in school but he did tries. But he pays his dues after his death at the children cancer ward for every single moment he missed but being a patient himself, he dreaded every single seconds of it.

Days after the kidnapping incident Henry is still locked up in the room being guarded by security every seconds he counted. He was alone in the room at the moment while Alex headed home to shower and rest last night. He protest a lot but Henry knows how he hasn't been sleeping at all since Henry was kidnapped.

He sighed pressing his palm over the dressing covered his abdomen and he winced every single time he moves. His left wrist still wrapped up in a bandage and he noticed the red marks over his right wrist is more visible since it happens. He twist his fingers over the red lines that starts turning darker shades of red and he can't help feeling insecure about his appearance. He hates being constraint on bed and with his legs still wrapped up in a cast, he can barely moves anywhere.

He was lucky that the doctor told him he doesn't need anymore surgery considering his broken tibia is barely displaced so a cast would help in recovery provided Henry listens to every single instruction the doctor gave him. He scratched his neck in annoyance feeling his thick skin is covered with layers of sweats and sanitizing wipes. That was the only thing they could do cleaning Henry up after the incident seeing he can't go for a shower just yet.

He shook his head sighing once again before he decides to remove all the monitor and the oxygen under his nose and sat up, shifting his casted leg to the side of the bed. With one hand over his legs and another hand over his stomach supporting his wound before he brings himself over the edge. He exhaled through his pursed lips lowering his cast leg down on the floor and held on the edge of the mattress feeling the pain all over his body. He could feel his visions blurred when he tried to stand and the floor of the room starts to spin when he finally stand on his normal legs.

"Come on Hen, it's not even that far." He whispered under his breath turning his eyes over the bathroom door right the opposite of his bed. He could feel his throat getting dryer and his head starts to feel heavy the moment he stood and his body swayed struggling to hold his stand.

"What the FUCK do you think you're doing?!" Alex screams echoed in the room before he drops the bag on his shoulder to the ground and placed the paper bag over the table and grabbed Henry's by his waist before he fell to the floor and creates more injury on himself. Henry grabbed Alex by his shoulder groaning in pain feeling the stretch over his abdomen. "What do you think you're doing?! Get back on the bed!" He ordered yelled Henry and Henry had to pulled away his ear from Alex's yelling.

"Jesus Alex, I just want to go to the bathroom." Henry says as he sat down on the bed and Alex tried to lift his legs off the ground but Henry protest and pushed him away. "Don't be ridiculous. If you need the bathroom, you know better to get the nurse." He tried pushing Henry to lay on his back again but Henry pushed his arm away and remained seated by the edge of the bed. "Fuck you are as stubborn as a fucking mule!" Henry shot his look towards Alex furious look with an annoyance one and he can finally see Alex sighed in defeat.

"I'm covered in mess Alex. I need at least a shower to get rid of the smell." He says and Alex furious looks softens immediately as he lowered his gaze in between him and Henry. He can see the look on Henry's face feeling himself self conscious about his own appearance. "I smell like- blood and the barn." He sighed after he heard Henry whispers and pulls Henry by his neck before he pressed his lips over the top of Henry's head. Henry leaned his head over Alex's chest feeling his fingers running through his dirty blonde hair.

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