Part 7

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Henry woke up the next day before anyone else in the house. It is dawn by the time he woke up and he can't help but stares at the beautiful orange Austin sky right outside of Alex's window. He climbed out of bed and went to the bathroom to do his business like he always does every morning. He stares at his own reflection in the mirror seeing his disheveled hair in a mess and not a prince in sight. He sighed longly letting the water run cold before splashing it over his face. He saw the water drops had made his bandage soaked after he washed his face and later removed the bandage revealing the four by four plaster over his left wrist.

He eyed the skin colored dressing over his wrist tempted at ripping it off but the memory of the blade touching his skin and the way the blood pooled around his wrist down on the tub had made him stopped himself from doing so. He tossed the bandage into the trash can before exited the bathroom and saw Alex still deeply asleep. He must be tired, Henry thought considering all the sleepless night they had and now having to take care of Henry like he is a child had made it worst.

Last night was the first time he had bad dreams over the years since he had been in therapy and it came back. The last time he had was when his father died and it took him almost three years to stop having this nightmare and now, he had to face it again. He saw Alex's jumper right on the arm chair in Alex's room and grabbed it before he exited the room.

The house is silenced and it was still early for any of them to wake. It was cold but not that cold and Henry could tolerate it. He slides the back door from the kitchen and closed it before he sat by the steps right out on the porch and exhaled longly. He leaned forward resting his elbow on his thigh resting his chin on his palm watching the sun slowly rising shining the light on the earth and Henry can see the dim light had turned brighter and the birds starts chirping right above his head.

From far he can hear the rooster crowing from the farm far up the hill and it echoed throughout the land. He can almost feel his heart beating calmly in his chest as he inhaled the scent of the countryside. His mind went back to the dream he had the night earlier. He closed his eyes not wanting to remember every detail but he can't help but.

The look on Alex's face, so disappointing, so disgusted by the thought of him. It was his worst nightmare. Alex was threatened to leave, he was blaming Henry for everything that happened after his mother lost the campaign.

"It is all your fault Henry."

"You are my deepest regret."

"I shouldn't have let you in my life."

The word echoes inside Henry's mind and he can't help himself to stop it so he cupped his ears with both of his palm trying his best to silence it. His eyes shuts tight and his lips trembled in fear of breaking and he can feel his tears are coming down on his face. "Stop, please stop." Henry whispered and rocking his body back and forth on the steps of Alex's home hoping no one would see him like this.

Little did he knew that someone did and when Henry felt a palm over his shoulder, he literally jumped from the steps and fell on the ground before him. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." He mutters holding his palm out before the person and when he noticed, it was none other than Oscar looking concerned over Henry's being. "Henry? Are you okay? Here." Oscar offered him his palm and Henry eyed it before his shaky hand grabbed his and Oscar pulled him off the ground.

They both sat by the steps with Henry's knees bounced on the ground barefoot. "Wanna talk about it?" Oscar asks since they both sat there trying to break the silenced between them. Henry shook his head letting his gaze stares at the space before him. "You know Henry, I remembered the house I lived in before I came into this country." Oscar starts letting Henry sat there in silenced.

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