Part 9

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Two days later in the living room, they are setting up the computers and the video camera for the video conference for Alex. He witnessed Shan and Zahra working on the press invite as they gathered all of them in Washington instead of here in Austin. The truth is neither one of them knows where Alex and Henry is right now and Ellen decides to keep it that way. Seeing Henry hurt himself in his own subconscious made them aware that he is still recovering from the news breaks and blamed himself for it. The last thing she needs is reporters coming and crowding Henry while he still in recovery.

Henry saw the fuss about the conference and decides to keep himself in Alex's room and Alex refused for him to stay in the room all alone so he had June keep an eye on him.

"Ready?" Zahra asked him as she taps on the camera and Alex took a deep breath nodding at her. "Yeah, I think so." He said as he took a seat right in front of the camera and he can see the viewers from each and every press representative on the laptop screen. It's killing them not be able to do the real face to face conference with them and also for not knowing the location of Henry right now.

"Ready? You are on in three, two, one." Zahra counted down for him and Alex nodded exhaling his long breath through his pursed lips. He can see the view starts polling up and the chatters became silent waiting for Alex to say a word.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us today. As you all have known, earlier this year, me and his Royal Highness has become quite close with each other. We have expressed our feelings through what I had thought a private conversation for both of us. As many of you have read, we both shared our struggled and our naive thoughts on our duties and responsibilities towards the country and our families. The truth is, I never would have thought that our most private moments being exploited to the world without our consent. I never thought jealousy and pettiness would cost me my freedom and my privacy in loving someone. The truth is that simple, I feel in love with someone, and that someone happens to be a man, a prince. But I never would have thought that the person as closed as his family would hurt the person that I love deeply and wrecked his whole being. I almost lost His Royal Highness from this world because I was miles away where I thought that he is safe and sound where he supposed to be, I was wrong."

Alex lowered his gaze down on his trembling hands hoping to find some courage in him to continue but all he is feeling right now is holding on to his tears. Images of Henry broke down two nights before bleeding in their bedroom haunted him till now. It brings back memories when he found him lying in the tub bleeding his life out. He exhaled huffing on his chest before his gaze went back to the camera in front of him.

""I love His Royal Highness Prince Henry, and if anyone had a problem with that, they can come through me. Thank you." Alex ended his speech over the video conference and soon as he did, Zahra clicked on the camera to turn it off. She had a smirked covered her face as she ended the conference and she can see the rest of them had the same reaction too.

"Good job." Zahra told him and he looked up to see her face with a reddened eyes and he sighed in relief. "Yeah, I hope so. I'm gonna checked on Henry." He says and they all nodded at him knowing well where he needed to be the most. "Is he alright?" Shan asks as he saw Alex's face dropped and the way he was saying the last word, almost felt like a threat to anyone.

"He'll be fine. Just need some time alone." Ellen added letting them wrapping up the conference as Alex disappeared into his own room.


Henry laid in bed with the comforter over his chest as June held the laptop over her lap next to him in bed. He smiled after Alex finished his speech and couldn't ever feel more prouder. "Gosh, I wish someone would love me that much one day." June claimed and Henry smiled his soft smile at her. Something about her made him missed a certain someone so close to his heart. "Thank you." He whispered as she turned off the laptop and placed it a side on the table next to the bed. "For what?" She asks surprised at the sudden words.

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