Part 3

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Kensington Palace

Henry wished that today was nothing but a dream. That he will go to sleep and wake up to a different day. That all of these happened was nothing but nightmare. But when he opened his eyes, all he can see was the disappointment over Phillip's face pacing around and the Royal advisor sat before him, telling him details on how they should deal with this matter.

"You shall not leave the palace unless approved by His Majesty the King."

"You shall not engaged in any communication with the outside world including your friends or even your family."

"You shall not say anything that wasn't written or suggested by the Royal PR until otherwise."

"You shall remained in this palace until this matter is solved. Do you understand Your Royal Highness?"

Henry's head was in the cloud and he wished right now he was not in London. He shuts his eyes trying to remember the time where all of these does not even exist. He opened his eyes later finding Phillip and the Royal advisor staring at him waiting for him to answer. "Do you understand?" The guys asks and Henry clenched his jaw tight at the sight of his wrinkled face. The guy must be thousand years old considering how old is the monarchy and he is the prove.

"Henry!" Phillip yelled at him making him startled at the sudden raised of his voice and his eyes turned to Phillip sharply, he nods softly lowering his gaze from his scowled expression and they both sighed. His hand fisted underneath the table on his laps and he can see the small cuts formed on his palm from his nails digging into his skin. He didn't realized he did that considering it had been years since his anxiety had overcome him.

"Return to your chamber Henry. We are done here." Phillip ordered him and Henry looked up from his hand towards Phillip's disappointing face, the Royal advisor had left few minutes ago with the draft and memo from Buckingham Palace leaving these two brothers alone. "I'm sorry I'm such a disappointment to you Pip. I never meant for all of these to happen, I swear." Henry's voice broke and he can see how his brother had his hand cupped his waist staring at him by the end of the table.

"It's not just you disappointed us Henry, you'd disappoint Dad's legacy. You had disgraced the Royal family with your such revolting lifestyle and now we had to pay the price of your shame. Tell me how should I put my face to the world anymore thinking that there is nothing they would rather talk about than my little brother bending over for the Son of the United State President to fuck him? Is that what you wanted Henry? To make a fool of myself for having you as my spare?"

Henry had his gaze lowered to the ground with his hand balled in a fist digging into his palm as Philip expressed his hatred towards him. His vision blurred from holding on to the tears and soon fell right on the velvet carpeted floor under his feet and he finally looked up to meet his eyes. "I never asks to be born like this. I never meant any of these to happen and I wish I could take it back if I could. But this isn't my fault either. The world isn't supposed to know just yet, none of you were." Henry defends and he can see the rage in Philip's eyes as he slammed the table in between them.

"BUT IT DID! You think you can hide this from the world?! Then date someone who is NOT the son of the president, arsehole! YOU put yourself in to this mess, you figured out how to get out of it. There is nothing in this world that can protect you now Henry! Not even that bellend man that made my wife cried for ruining her perfect day." Philip left in anger right after leaving Henry in the room alone breaking in tears and finally he settled himself in his own room.

Henry softly sat by the edge of the bed in his room with nothing but silenced. He saw the light from the window with birds chirping over the rails happily and it made him breaks into more tears. How he craved that kind of freedom. Free from doing what he was being told, how to talk, how to dress, how to walk, how to behave. He felt his chest burning as he held his tears in. He needed to vent this feeling that is building up inside of him but he can't. He wished he can just screamed and yelled at their faces and left but there isn't guaranteed of how his future would be like. He thought on Alex dealing with all of these and Henry is sure that Alex must regret being involved with him costing him and his mother's election. Alex will never forgive him for what happened. 

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