Part 11

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Alex bounced his knees off the ground repeatedly in his anxiety as they all seated in the living room waiting for the Secret Service. "I'm going to look for him." Alex says standing up from his seat and Ellen stops him. "No honey, we need to make sure your safety too, they are looking for him, I'm sure they will find him soon enough." Ellen told him and he shook his head, "No mum, I can't stay here and do nothing. I need to go and find Henry." Alex was about to leave when his father grabbed him by his elbow, "Mijo, they are looking for him. I'm sure he is fine." Oscar says and Alex yanked his arm away from his father.

"Not till I see him. No thanks to you." Alex said coldly towards his father and June stepped in between them both. "Alex, stop. We will find Henry, I promised." She told him and Alex paced around the living room again. Shan and Zahra is on the phone hoping the Secret Service would give him some news on Henry's whereabout.

"Anything?" Ellen asks and Zahra nodded her head. "I'm sure they find him soon, the car has GPS and they found it stops about few minutes ago." She says and Shan rushed to grab his things before he decides to leave. "Shan, I'm coming with you." Alex told him and Shan stops him, "No! At this point I am not letting him near anyone anymore. Prince Henry is under my supervision and the moment I let someone else be in charge of his safety, he is either gone or worst, hurt. I am taking charge now and the moment I find him, I will take him away, far away from all the people that had hurt him." Shan told him and Alex face dropped in confusion.

"You can't blame me on this. You can't take him away from me either." Alex told him and Shan slammed the door closed causing a loud bang that made them all jumped. "I TRUSTED YOU! He was supposed to be safe here and not out there on his own! Do you even know when was the last time he drove himself alone in that mental state? Do you even know what could happened to him if he was left alone out there? If anything happens to his Royal Highness, that would be the last time you sees him, I promised that. I promised His Majesty the King that I will never leave his side and yet I did and now I'm paying the price."

"Shan, no one is to blamed here. Henry is his own person. He is allowed to do whatever he wants including leaving on his own terms. This is not a prison for him, this is supposed to be his safe house remember? We promised we protect them both. Not just Henry, Alex too." Zahra told him and he still huffed in anger inhaling and exhaling his breath. "Maybe for you but I am here just to protect His Royal Highness, and this was a mistake." He says and Ellen stops him from leaving, "You have no authority at the moment. This is my home, my country and Henry is under my care. Princess Catherine had me appointed to be his sole guardian while he is in my country. You might have a deal with His Majesty the King but I have his mother and no one is more scarier than a mother losing her child."

Shan face dropped at the mentioned of Princess Catherine, "She spoke to you?" He asks and Ellen nods, "The moment you bringing him here from London. We spoke, mother to mother. Now, we have a lot of work to do and I think it's best to work together instead of finding him alone." Ellen suggested and Shan calmed down a bit with Zahra by his side. "We'll find him." She whispered rubbing his back to assure him and he nodded.

"Why didn't you tell me about Henry's mum contacting you?" Alex asks next to his mother on the couch. Her hand over his shoulder comforting him and she smiles at him. "Because not everything needs to be shared to the world darling. You know that. Plus I don't think Henry is ready to hear it." She told him and Alex leaned his head towards his mother's shoulder. "Did they find the person who owns the drone?" He asks her and she shook her head, "Surprisingly not. They still looking into it." Alex sighs feeling the heaviness in his chest letting his thoughts worried about Henry.

"Don't be mad at your father." She whispered and Alex's eyes turned to Oscar sitting on the porch with a cigar in his hand staring into the night. It has been hours since Henry went missing and no news had break yet. "I just don't understand." He replies and Ellen inhaled before she answered. "Because you are his son. No matter what, he will always choose you over anyone else. He loves Henry equally but when it comes to you both, he will choose you in a heartbeat." Ellen explains and Alex pressed his lips together.

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