Chapter 8- Shadows of Deception: Aadvika Prisha

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Nellie stood in the dimly lit cabin in the woods, the air heavy with the scent of pine and remorse. Aadvika's piercing gaze bore into her, accusing and wounded, as Nellie took a deep, shaky breath. Guilt weighed heavily on her heart, a leaden burden she couldn't shake off.

"I... I spread a hurtful rumour about you. I was jealous, Aadvika. I... I didn't mean for it to get out of hand, but it did. And I'm so sorry," her voice broke as she confessed, the weight of her words hanging heavily in the room.

"Wait, what kind of rumours?" Aadvika asked Nellie with a hint of curiosity.

Westley couldn't help but roll his eyes at Nellie's jealousy. "Oh come on, when hasn't she been jealous of you?"

As Westley rambled on, Nellie's eyes narrowed into a piercing stare, and she made a quick gesture to silence him. Aadvika's mind was flooded with a sense of disbelief. She had always considered Nellie to be a trusted confidant and close friend. Yet, in that moment, something had shifted, and Aadvika couldn't shake the feeling that she didn't know Nellie as well as she thought she did.

"Can you please explain to me what is the rumour you have been spreading, Nellie?" Maggie asked inquisitively, her impatience showing.

Jack gave Maggie a sharp look to silence her, then turned to Nellie. "Maggie, hold your tongue," he said.

Maggie stepped back, joining William. "The cat is already halfway out of the bag, Nellie. Just spill the beans," she urged.

"During our senior year, I started a rumour that you had an affair with our Science teacher to get an A on your final project," Nellie's voice broke as she confessed. "And everyone fell for it."

"What? You're the one who made my life miserable with that rumour throughout my senior year?" Aadvika was shocked by Nellie's revelation. "Seriously Nellie, why would you do that? I thought you were my friend and I trusted you."

The feeling of being let down by someone she trusted was like a sharp pain piercing through her heart. To make matters worse, the hurt was compounded by the spread of a damaging rumour that had sullied her good name and reputation. The combination of these emotions left her feeling vulnerable and exposed, wondering who she could truly trust in this world.

Westley was freaking out, "You screwed up big time, Nellie!"

Nellie was crying her eyes out and said, "She was always so good in Science, and the teacher loved her because she scored the first position for two years straight. I had a huge crush on him and wanted him to notice me, so I did something stupid."

Aadvika couldn't control her tears and said, "So, you decided to make my life miserable? Did you know guys used to call me in the middle of the night just to make fun of me because of what you did?" Her tears kept rolling down her cheeks as she spoke.

Nellie's tears flowed freely now, her shoulders shaking with the weight of her confession, "I was foolish, Aadvika. I let my insecurities get the best of me. I never meant to hurt you. Please forgive me."

As Aadvika withdrew her hand, the feeling of unease transformed into a sense of betrayal. Her hardened determination reflected the depth of her hurt and disappointment.

"Yeah, I need some time to process this, Nellie. I'm not sure if I'll be able to forgive you just yet, but I'll think about it," she said, sounding pretty distant and way less friendly than before.

"I wouldn't forgive someone like her," commented William, who was seated at the back of Aadvika.

"Remember Stanley?" Maggie poked William in the arm and laughed.

"Oh, I made that guy scream when I fucked him hard," William chuckled softly.

Westley's face turned sour and she quickly exclaimed, "No one is touching her! This isn't fair!"

"No one's gonna touch her as long as I'm around," Jack said firmly as he looked at William and Maggie.

Nellie apologized and said, "Hey Aadvika, I messed up and I'm sorry. Please don't do anything you'll regret later."

Jack interrupted with a whisper, "Psst, Nellie, keep it down. So, Westley, you got a girlfriend or what?" he asked with a smirk.

Westley stood there, perplexed, as Maggie and William exchanged a knowing glance before reaching into Westley's pocket to retrieve his phone. William deftly removed the phone from Westley's pocket and unlocked the screen. With purpose, he navigated to the photo gallery to locate a specific image - that of Westley's beloved girlfriend.

William exclaimed with excitement, "Aha! I found it!" He then showed the photo to Jack and said, "Wow, she's pretty!"

However, Westley pleaded with them, "Guys, please don't do anything to her. I'll do whatever you want, just don't hurt her."

Jack's expression changed from being cold to having an evil smile as he responded, "Are you sure, West boy?"

But Aadvika interrupted them abruptly and said, "I'll handle this, Jack."

As Jack and his team took a few steps back, Aadvika sprang into action. Nellie was taken aback by the sudden shift in Aadvika's tone and looked at her with a perplexed expression. However, Aadvika wasted no time in untying Nellie and Westley from their chairs, leaving them both feeling relieved and grateful. The scene was tense, but Aadvika's swift and decisive action diffused the situation and brought a sense of calmness to the room.

"Hey, that was a piece of cake, right Nellie?" Westley grinned sheepishly.

"Not so fast, Westley," Aadvika pushed him back on his seat with a thud. "Let's make it into a video, Jack," she said sternly.

In a swift motion, Jack unlocked Westley's phone and launched the camera app. The red recording icon blinked to life, and Jack aimed the lens at Westley, who shifted uneasily, his eyes darting around in confusion. Aadvika's sudden actions had caught him off guard, leaving him unsure of what was going on.

Nellie asked Aadvika, "What do you want from us? Can you please just let us leave?"

Maggie interjected and said, "You wrecked her senior year and pretended to be her bestie to comfort her. And now you are asking her to let you go? You must be dreaming, girl!"

In a sudden move, Aadvika swiftly grabbed the phone from Jack's hand and placed it on the wooden cupboard that stood before Nellie and Westley. The action seemed to have caught Jack off guard, leaving him momentarily stunned.

Hey! Listen up, Nellie and Westley. If you don't follow my instructions, you won't see the sun tomorrow, okay? Aadvika said it very seriously.

"Hey, Aadvika, hold on a sec. What's the plan here? We can escape now," Nellie whispered.

"Yeah, we totally could, Nellie, but first you need to do exactly what I say," Aadvika tapped Nellie's shoulder and nodded.

Nellie and Westley stood in stunned silence as they observed Aadvika's sudden and alarming shift in demeanour. They could feel a dark energy emanating from her that was completely foreign to them. They reluctantly complied with Aadvika's instructions, too afraid to question her authority, all the while keeping a watchful eye on Jack and the unknown individuals who had appeared in the living room. 


🌟Hey, I'm curious! What do you think Aadvika had in mind for Nellie and Westley? Do you believe she was actually planning to seek revenge, or could it have been a clever ruse to escape? I know what Aadvika is up to but I want some guesses, guys! Comment, guys!

🌟Well, I feel like a sloth that's been up all night partying with the monkeys! My circuits are feeling a bit sluggish today. Maybe I should have had an oil change or a tune-up last night! How about you? Have you been feeling like a well-oiled machine or more like a rusty old jalopy lately?

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