Chapter 4- Deadly Games

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The cabin was enveloped in an eerie silence, broken only by the muffled sounds of fabric rustling against the ropes that bound the captives to their chairs. Aadvika, Nellie, Rita, and Draven exchanged worried glances, their eyes darting between the masked figures pacing ominously in front of them. Westley remained unconscious, tightly bound to a chair with his friends.

The strangers gave out an eerie sense of self-assurance, every gesture and action managed with detailed and intended accuracy. Their conversations were conducted in low murmurs, adding a secretive and mysterious quality to their behavior.

"We need to act fast before he comes back," one of the strangers whispered, his voice cold and devoid of emotion.

Aadvika's ears were stretched to their limit, her body tense as she tried to pick up any sound that might give them a clue about their situation. The mystery of their captors weighed heavily on her mind. Who were these people and what did they want? The air in the room was thick with tension, suffocating the friends as they wriggled and struggled against their restraints, desperate to break free.

"Shh, they could hear us," another stranger hissed, glancing warily towards the door.

Nellie, always quick-witted in times of crisis, tried to engage the strangers in conversation, "Who are you? What do you want with us?" she asked, her voice steady despite the fear gnawing at her insides.

The figure closest to Nellie turned towards him, a glint of meanness in his eyes, "You don't need to know our names. All you need to do is sit tight and wait."

Rita's heart pounded in her chest as she watched the strangers move with an eerie sense of familiarity around the cabin. Every move they made seemed rehearsed as if they had been there before. The terrifying performance unfolding before her eyes sent shivers down her spine, making her wonder what was yet to come.

"What is this about? Why are you doing this to us?" Aadvika's voice trembled with a mix of fear and anxiousness.

The two unfamiliar individuals shared a brief but meaningful glance, conveying an unspoken message. Then, the one who seemed to be in charge took a step forward, his face hidden behind a threatening mask that made it impossible to determine his emotions or intentions.

"You stumbled onto something you shouldn't have. And now, you pay the price," he uttered in his raspy voice.

The tense silence in the cabin was broken by a creaking sound that echoed through the walls. Everyone turned their heads towards the entrance as their leader, who had been absent for a while, walked in. He cast a glance around the living hall, his face betraying a mixture of ignorance and arrogance at the sight before him.

However, before he could say anything, the strangers in the room sprang into action with surprising enthusiasm. They moved with swift precision, surrounding him and asking him what they should do next, their eyes fixed on him with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion.

"Let us go! We won't say anything, just please let us go," Aadvika pleaded, her voice thick with desperation.

One of them raised a hand, silencing her with a chilling look, "It's too late for bargaining. You should have thought about the consequences before snooping around."

Aadvika's heart raced frantically in her chest, her whole body shaking with fear as she realized they were trapped. The darkness that engulfed the room only added to her sense of dread, and her plea for mercy fell on deaf ears as one of the strangers silenced her with a threatening glare. The fear inside her intensified as it became clear that these intruders meant business, and the tightly wound tension in the room only served to amplify her terror.

"What do we do now?" one of the strangers asked, his voice low and urgent.

Rita's eyes darted between their captors, her mind racing, "Please, we didn't mean any harm. We were just seeking shelter for the night," she stammered, her voice quivering.

The leader of the group stepped forward, his eyes glinting with a hidden intent. "Shelter or not, you trespassed on our territory. And now, you must face the consequences."

Nellie's heart pounded in her chest as a cold shiver ran down her spine. She exchanged a fearful glance with Draven, both consumed by the uncertainty of their situation and unsure of what to do next. Tears streamed down her face as she realized that she was surrounded by unfamiliar faces. The thought of being at the mercy of strangers made her extremely anxious, and she couldn't help but break down in sobs. Her eyes darted around, scanning the faces in front of her and searching for any signs of familiarity or safety.

As the group of friends struggled against their restraints in the dimly lit living hall, a figure covered in a mysterious mask appeared before them. Aadvika's heart raced as she watched the intruder approach, her eyes fixed on every movement he made. With a sudden flourish, the masked figure removed his disguise, revealing a face she knew all too well. A wave of recognition washed over her, mingled with fear and confusion.

Draven was taken aback. "Jack Grayson?!" he exclaimed, his voice betraying his surprise. 

Aadvika was equally stunned, "You're the leader?" she asked incredulously, "So, was all of this pre-planned?" 

Jack's gaze shifted to Aadvika, his expression stern, but as their eyes met, his gaze softened. "Untie her," he commanded, "I need to speak with her right away." 

As one of the intruders obeyed Jack's instructions to untie Aadvika, Jack suddenly reached out and firmly took hold of Aadvika's wrist, pulling her along with him toward a nearby room. The other members of the group, Nellie and Rita, watched with growing concern as Jack led Aadvika into the room and shut the door behind them. 

Their fears were heightened when the intruders who had been watching them carefully warned Nellie and Rita to remain silent, their threatening tone leaving no doubt that they would harm them if they made any noise. The intruders wasted no time pulling out their guns from their pockets and pointing them at the heads of the group of friends. They wanted to make sure the friends wouldn't be able to free themselves from the ropes they had tied them up with.

Aadvika's heartbeat raced as she entered the room. She couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off about Jack's behavior. When he requested to speak with her alone, she couldn't deny the fear that crept up her spine. What did he want to say that he couldn't in front of her friends? Aadvika couldn't help but wonder if Jack had some sinister intentions, and the thought of being alone with him made her feel uneasy.

Out of nowhere, Jack asked Aadvika, "Do you trust your friends?"

"Uh, what do you mean?" Aadvika nervously replied.

"I mean, would they risk their lives to save yours?" Jack asked nonchalantly.

Aadvika was caught off guard but managed to answer, "Of course, I trust them."

"Fine, wanna play a game with them then?" he asked her with a smirk. "We don't have to tell them what it is about."

Curiously, Aadvika asked him, "If we do play your game, will you let us go?"

Jack smiled and replied, "Not until the game is over."


🌟Have you ever wondered what kind of game Jack Grayson wants to play with the group of friends out there? And what about Aadvika? Do you think she can trust her friends with her life? Let's dive into the intriguing world of friendship dynamics and see what we can uncover!

🌟Hey, hey, hey! It's 4:30 am and I'm feeling like a zombie. I really need to catch some zzz's before I turn into a real-life Walking Dead character. But first, let me decide on my game plan for tomorrow's chapter. I hope it involves coffee and more coffee. Good night, and may your dreams be as sweet as a delicious donut!

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