Chapter 7- Unspoken Regrets: Nellie Fiona

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Nellie's heart raced as a wave of nausea washed over her, and she felt her breath catch in her throat. The flickering candlelight in the dimly lit cabin cast eerie shadows on the walls, and the silence was deafening. Rita Ann's body lay on the cold wooden floor of the cabin in her own pool of blood oozing out of her forehead, making Nellie's heart beat fast.

"What... What is happening here?" Nellie managed to whisper, her voice barely above a hoarse murmur.

Westley stood frozen, his eyes wide with shock. "I... I don't know. This can't be real," he stammered, his voice trembling.

As Nellie and Westley's eyes took in the chaotic scene, their heads spun around to catch sight of Jack Grayson approaching them with a grin that sent shivers down their spine. Aadvika trailed behind him, her face betraying a mix of fear and resignation as if she had given up all hope of finding a way out of their predicament.

"Seriously, Maggie, what have you done?" Jack demanded, his voice shaking with anger and disbelief that she shot Rita Ann suddenly. 

Maggie's eyes glittered with a cold gleam, "I never liked her from the moment I first laid my eyes on her," she replied, her tone chillingly casual.

Aadvika shrank back, her eyes filled with tears, "I never wanted any of this. He forced me to play," she whispered, her voice barely audible. 

"Oh, honey! Just chill out, okay? It's just a game," another guy's voice came from behind her, his hand resting on her shoulder.

"Get your hands off her, William! I'm not going to say it again," Jack snapped angrily, his hand raised towards William.

William let out a sarcastic chuckle and quickly removed his arm from around her shoulders. Jack immediately pulled Aadvika in closer by her waist.

"Now, who's up next?" Jack asked, looking into Aadvika's eyes through her glasses.

"Please, just let us leave. I'm begging you," Aadvika pleaded with Jack to release her and her friends.

"You know, sweetheart. I heard you went out with Brian a few times. Did you guys make any moves?" Jack deliberately tried to provoke Aadvika.

"She just had her first kiss," Nellie suddenly interjected, breaking the tension in the room.

Jack turned to Nellie with a mischievous smile, "First kiss, huh? How was it?"

"What does that have to do with this game, Jack?" Aadvika asked Jack curiously. 

Jack gave Aadvika a sly smile. "Let me think. Should I try to improve my mood by being kind to your remaining friends or should I ruin my mood right now and kill both of them?"

The atmosphere in the dimly lit basement was tense as Jack's chilling words hung heavily in the air. Aadvika stood tall and stubborn, her gaze fixed on Jack's with an unwavering determination. The room was thick with uncertainty, every word spoken feeling like a matter of life and death. Each breath drawn was heavy with the weight of the moment as if the slightest misstep could lead to disastrous consequences.

"You wouldn't dare, Jack," Aadvika's voice held a hint of defiance, her stance firm despite the looming threat that Jack's words carried.

Jack's smirk widened as he taunted, "Oh, wouldn't I? You forget who you're dealing with, Aadvika. I don't make idle threats."

Nellie was sitting in front of Aadvika and Jack, feeling uneasy as she shifted her weight from one foot to the other. A tiny bead of sweat was running down her temple as she looked back and forth between them. She knew that the stakes were high and that a single wrong move could lead to a tragedy that none of them could fix. The air was thick with tension, and the silence was broken only by the sound of their breathing.

"Just think about what you're doing, Aadvika. Don't let anger cloud your judgment," Nellie's voice wavered slightly, the fear evident in her tone.

Jack's gaze flickered to Nellie, a calculating gleam in his eyes, "Ah, sweet Nellie. Always the peacemaker. But this is between me and Aadvika. You stay out of it."

Aadvika's expression remained patient as she struggled to choose her words with utmost care. She could feel the weight of every syllable she uttered, knowing that even the slightest deviation could put the lives of her dear friends at risk. She gritted her teeth, determined to maintain her composure in the face of such immense pressure.

"It was a mistake, Jack. Just a moment of weakness. Please, don't do something you'll regret," Aadvika's voice was laced with a hint of desperation, her words pleading with Jack to see reason.

Jack stood there, his face betraying no emotion as he raised the gun, his index finger poised gently on the trigger. The air in the room was thick with a tense silence, as though everyone was holding their breath, waiting for the next move. The only sounds that could be heard were the soft hum of the wind outside and the faint creaking of the floorboards beneath their feet. The sight of the gun in Jack's hand made everyone feel on edge, wondering what he would do next. The atmosphere was so tense that it felt like anything could happen at any moment.

"Fine, everyone makes mistakes and it isn't your fault, Aadvika that you chose a guy who was willing to cheat on you even during your dates," Jack uttered calmly. 

"Oh, come on Jack. I thought you said everyone should die for their mistakes. How come Aadvika gets a pardon from the almighty, Jack Grayson?" William sounded suddenly. 

"Did he just- Wait, so, no matter what happens, we will be dead? What kind of sick game is this?" Westley uttered in shock.

"Are you that dumb to see that no matter how much Aadvika forgives them, all of you are going to end up dead just like your friends here?" Maggie uttered in her sarcastic tone. 

"Maggie," Jack spoke to hush her down. "One more word comes out of your huge mouth again, I will put a bullet through your thick skull."

Maggie raised her hands in a hurried motion as if she was surrendering to someone. She wasn't entirely sure why she did that, but her instincts told her to stay cautious. She quickly backed away, keeping an eye on the situation. Aadvika, who was observing the scene, noticed that Nellie had started to cry and was nervously fidgeting with her fingers. Aadvika knew that she had no other choice but to ask Nellie about what she regretted doing to her. A sense of unease settled within Aadvika, and she closed her eyes, hoping that Nellie didn't have anything to regret. Little did Aadvika know that Nellie held something against her, and it was something that would change their relationship forever.


🌟Hey there! I'm curious, do you have any theories on why Nellie seemed to have a grudge against Aadvika? And what about Jack Grayson's reaction to the kiss that Brian and Aadvika shared during their dates - why do you think he was so jealous? Let's put our detective hats on and try to solve this mystery together!

🌟Well, well, well, here I am again, slaving away on another chapter for Nellie's story. My eyes are on fire, my fingers are like spaghetti, and my brain is mush. But hey, at least I'm making progress, right? And who knows, maybe Nellie will finally get her happily ever after, or maybe she'll end up in a hot mess, who knows? But one thing is for sure, I'm going to need a gallon of coffee to get me through this. Wish me luck, folks!

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