Camp of Sid

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Scrat, the saber-toothed squirrel, is climbing the mountain to find his acorn. He has some difficulties climbing it like getting his tongue stuck and nearly falling off but he manages to hold on to the edge by digging his claws and saber teeth into the ice. He saw his acorn which is wedged into the ice, much to his delight. He runs up to it and smiles. He then tries to pull it out of the ice though it is hard, to begin with, but eventually manages to pull it free and hug it. But then, there is a rumbling noise and a piece of ice comes loose, releasing a jet of water. He quickly uses a claw to plug it up, stopping the water. But another piece of ice comes to lose and another jet of water comes out, forcing Scrat to put his acorn in his mouth and plug it up with another claw. But another water jet comes out and Scrat has to use its back right-hand paw to plug it up and catches his acorn in his back left-hand paw and has to use that to plug another jet of water up, which forces Scrat to balance his acorn on his head. The rumbling sound is heard again and a jet of water hits Scrat in the eye until he uses his mouth to contain it. Then the water inside Scrat's mouth causes him to blow up like a balloon and his claws are removed from the other jets of water, releasing them. He is soon flung backward, causing his acorn to fall, and flies around with water hissing out of him like air coming out of a balloon. Eventually, all the water is emptied from Scrat and he falls.

The squirrel falls through a chunk of ice. He stands up and shakes the dizziness off. Then the ground begins to shake and Scrat becomes frightened as a shovel mouth calf slides right into him, causing Scrat to scream.

Presenting: Ice Age: The Meltdown.

Summer's pov.

I was sitting calmly on an ice block, watching kids run by. I looked around and stopped at a female and a male talking.

"Boy, this global warming is killing me!", complained the male.

"This is too hot, the ice age was too cold. What would it take to make you happy?", asked the female and fell in the water right after.

"This, I like.", said the male causing me to chuckle. I heard some mammals complaining and gazed at them.

A stag slides down an ice slide. As he reached the bottom, a beaver landed on his antlers, causing him to yell out in pain. Nearby, a group of Baptornis slides down an ice slide into a pool of water where they see piranhas swimming and chasing after them, attempting to eat them. The shovel mouth calf from earlier lands in the water and swims to the surface. Up above, a turtle and a beaver slide down an ice slide into the water but a freaky mammal gets stuck at the bottom, causing a pileup which sends him skidding into the Baptornis, knocking them over like pins. Meanwhile, a baby turtle slides into a pool of water. A baby beaver is building a dam when a baby aardvark and another kid run through it, destroying it and causing the baby beaver to cry.

I hear someone blow into a shell and glance in that direction. 'Here comes another overgrown kid' I thought as I saw Sid the sloth standing behind an ice block, making him look... heroic.

"No running, James. Camp rules.", stated Sid. Opposite of him was a female ground sloth who eyed Sid and made a 'wow'.

"Make me, sloth.", teased the so-called James.

"Make me, Sir!", corrected Sid walking out from behind an ice block. "It's all about respect."

"Ew!", grimaced the female sloth seeing Sid in his original look, and walked away.

Two kids then ran near the water and jumped in it. "Sammy, you just ate! Wait an hour! Hector, no, no, no, you can't pee-pee there!", scolds the kids' Sid. "Okay, there is fine! Ashley, stop picking your-". Sid is suddenly dragged into the air by a vine around his foot. Four kids surround him.

Ice Age: The Meltdown//Diego x OCWhere stories live. Discover now