( chapter 9 ) - Jealousy

Start from the beginning

Back to humming, a small smile curling to his lips,as he moved his body to the beat. He wondered on back the things they did at the sleepover.


"So,what were you two doing earlier~?"

Oliver brought up,as the four friends snuggled up by the couch,in each blanket. Eugene a bit upset cause his blanket nest- fort,whatever that was,he was grumpy thry had to spead out all the blankets now. Luke chuckles as he brushes his hand through Eugene's hair,making the boy lean over.

"Mhmm, he just came over,and we did- some homework" luke replied,as Eugene kept leaning over with each time luke brushed his hand through Eugene's hair. With a small huff from joy,she looked unfazed by the practical clearest lie in the world.

"You didnt had any other reason to be here?" Joy huffed,arms crossed,a bit suspicious. Tho with the sight of Eugene just liking the comfort of Luke's hand, what,those fingers can attack cats,smol boys too?

"Mhm" luke hums,not even paying attnetion,and just at the cutie. Eugene cannot be ignored right now, the boy was acting like a literal cat,leaning for more touch,as luke kept brushing his hand on Eugene's hair. "Aww" he cooes, making joy scoff.

"Guyyyssss,im bored"

"Hi bored"

Oliver shot an unfazed look over to luke who chuckled lightly at his small joke,Eugene now leaning on luke,as joy hums along.

"Im also bored"

"Ohh,hey bored number2"

"Not helping luke"

Joy says,as they sat there,Eugene sitting up straight,and leaning over to the coffee table.


Eugene cooes,barely reaching the bowl that sat on the coffee table of the living room,luke  chuckles at the sight of Eugene's cute determination,and took the bowl for him. Giving it to Eugene who excitedly took one smore and started munching on it.



Ella beams, as Eugene chuckles,holding his arms out for the young girl who jumped right into them, their mother near them giggling at the sight. "Well, that performance was unexpected" commented their mother,as ella hums in somewhat a cute way but sounded more angry.

"Yeah! Keily was being a meany and stepped on my toe,but when i whispered ow, she pushed me and said some bad stuff..."

"Oh,well.. they might've had a problem at home sweets, maybe that's why they acted up" cooes their mother,crouching down to Ella's height as ella nods.

"But.." ella mutters sadly, her lips pursed to a frown, and thought about it for a moment. "I guess.." she whispers.

"Thats my girl" their mother says,smiling warmly at Ella's acceptance of the situation, ruffling her daughter's hair and earning a giggle from the girl. "She just had a bad day,that's all"

"Mhm,your right! I would actually act like all grumpy if my day didnt went well" Eugene added,as he nods at the thought of it, which ella huffs.

"You act like a grumpy old man!" Ella huffed, which Eugene gasped and looked down at ella, as the three were walking back home.

"I. Do not." Eugene fought back, all in sassy as their mother chuckles,placing both her hands on her two kids. "Arguing like babies,you both. Have the same attitude" their mother sorted out,as Eugene snorts and ella gasped dramatically.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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