Chapter 51: Rita Skeeter

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The following day, Joni and Harry woke up a little later than usual, and noticed the boys' dormitory was empty. They didn't say anything to each other while they dressed up, and walked to the common room, which they found empty. They quickly walked to the portrait hole and exited the common room, quickly making their way to the Great Hall. As the twins arrived into the entrance hall, Joni, who was in the front, came face-to-face with Hermione.

"Hello." She said, holding up two stacks of toast, which she was carrying in a napkin. "I brought you these... Want to go for a walk?"

Joni and Harry looked at each other, and then glanced over Hermione to the Great Hall, and saw all the Gryffindors were already inside, eating breakfast.

"Yeah. Good idea." Joni said nodding.

Hermione smiled a little, and the three walked out of the Castle. They were now striding across the lawn towards the lake where the Durmstrang was moored. As the trio kept moving and the twins were munching on their toast, they told Hermione exactly what had happened after they had entered the trophy room. To their relief, Hermione accepted their story without a second thought.

"Well, of course i knew you hadn't entered yourselves." She said after the twins finished explaining everything. "The looks on your faces when Dumbledore read out your names! But the question is, who did put them in? Because's Moody's right, Joni, Harry... i don't think any student could have done it... they'd never be able to fool the Goblet, or get through Dumbledore's Age Line."

"Obviously it was someone who wants our necks broken." Harry said wryly.

"That's not funny." She said quietly, and, looking extremely anxious, took a tight hold on Joni's sleeve. "That's not funny at all."

"Hey, don't worry." Joni said soothingly. "They said they've put new safety measures, didn't they? I'm sure we'll be all right."

Hermione looked a little less anxious and smiled little at him, though just by an inch.

"I don't know, Joni. I don't like it."


Couple days later, Joni and Harry were walking in the moving staircases. They had been picked up by Colin who had been told by journalists to pick up the twins for photographs. The twins looked worried and annoyed at the attention they had been getting for being selected to be champions for the tournament, while Colin was oblivious, still being in his Potter Twins-fanboy mode.

"It's amazing, isn't it, Joni, Harry?" Colin asked the two. "Isn't it, though? You two being champions?"

"Yeah, really amazing." Harry said heavily. "What do they want the photos for, Colin?"

"The Daily Prophet, i think!"

"Great." Joni said sarcastically. "Exactly what we need."

Once they were in the front of the door to the trophy room, Colin left the twins who meanwhile entered. They noticed that Viktor was standing moodily in a corner and not talking to anyone, while Cedric and Fleur in conversation. Ludo Bagman was also in the room, sitting in a chair in a corner. When he spotted the twins, he got up quickly.

"Ah, here they are!" He walked to the twins quickly and shook hands with them energetically. "The champions number four and number five!"

"Why are we here, Mr Bagman?" Joni asked.

"Oh, nothing to worry about, Joni. It's just the wand weighting ceremony. We have to check that your wands are fully functional, no problems, you know, as they're your most important tools in the tasks ahead. And then there's going to be a little photo shoot."

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