XIII. Awaken

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Percy arrived back at Camp Half-Blood sailing on Queen Anne's Revenge. He moored the ship near the Camp's beach. When he walked in he was greeted by Chiron who explained to him what had happen to his friends and how Chiron along with Party ponies had rescued them from Luke's army. Days went by and Percy noticed that campers was more welcoming to him now. Even though he wasn't given enough credits, they had removed hostility towards him completely. Moreover Percy had got many friends. He wasn't alone anymore. One morning Tyson came to Percy and said he was invited to Atlantis to work in the forges. And Percy was happy for his brother.

That afternoon Percy was resting in his cabin, when there was a sudden banging on the door, prompting Grover to fly inside without waiting for permission. "Percy!" he stammered urgently. "Annabeth... on the hill... she..." The look in Grover's eyes communicated that something was terribly wrong. Annabeth had been on guard duty that night, protecting the Golden Fleece. If something had happened...Percy ripped off the covers, his blood running like ice water in his veins. Throwing on some clothes while Grover attempted to form a coherent sentence, Percy could sense the urgency. "She's lying there... just lying there..." Without waiting for more details, Percy ran outside, with Grover stumbling behind him. Dawn was breaking, and the entire camp seemed to be stirring. The news of something significant happening spread quickly, and campers clad in a strange mix of armor and pajamas were making their way toward the hill. The clop of horse hooves announced Chiron's arrival. The centaur galloped up behind them, wearing a grim expression. "Is it true?" he asked Grover. Grover could only nod, his expression dazed. Trying to inquire about the situation, Percy found himself grabbed by the arm, and Chiron effortlessly lifted him onto his back. Together, they thundered up Half-Blood Hill, where a small crowd had started to gather .Expecting to see the Golden Fleece missing from Thalia's tree, Percy was surprised to find it still there, glittering in the dawn light. The storm had subsided, but the sky remained bloodred. "Curse the titan lord," Chiron muttered. "He's tricked us again, given himself another chance to control the prophecy." Confused, Percy asked, "What do you mean?" "The Fleece," Chiron explained. "The Fleece did its work too well." As they galloped forward, making their way through the crowd, Percy noticed a girl lying unconscious at the base of the tree. Another girl in Greek armor knelt beside her. The blood roared in Percy's ears. Annabeth had been attacked? But why was the Fleece still there? Chiron's voice, ragged with emotion, explained, "It healed the tree, and poison was not the only thing it purged." It took a moment for Percy to realize that Annabeth wasn't the one lying on the ground. She was the one in armor, kneeling next to the unconscious girl. When Annabeth saw them, she ran to Chiron. "It... she... just suddenly there..." Tears streamed down Annabeth's face, but Percy couldn't comprehend the situation. He leaped off Chiron's back and ran toward the unconscious girl, ignoring Chiron's plea to wait. Kneeling by her side, Percy observed the short black-haired girl with freckles across her nose. She wore clothes that were a blend of punk and Goth. She wasn't a camper, and Percy couldn't shake the feeling that he'd seen her before. "It's true," Grover panted as he caught up to them. "I can't believe..." Nobody else dared to approach the girl. Percy put his hand on her forehead; her skin was cold, yet his fingertips tingled as if they were burning. "She needs nectar and ambrosia," Percy declared. A half-blood, no doubt. Though the others seemed scared, Percy couldn't fathom why. Lifting her into a sitting position, he rested her head on his shoulder. "Come on!" Percy yelled to the others. "What's wrong with you people? Let's get her to the Big House." No one moved, not even Chiron. They were all too stunned. Then, the girl took a shaky breath, coughed, and opened her eyes. Her irises were a startling electric blue. Bewildered, the girl stared at Percy, shivering and wild-eyed. "Who—" "I'm Percy," he said, trying to reassure her. "You're safe now." She muttered about a strange dream and feeling like she was dying. Percy assured her otherwise. "What's your name?" That's when Percy knew. Even before she said it. The girl's blue eyes met his, and he understood what the Golden Fleece quest had been about. The poisoning of the tree. Everything. Kronos had orchestrated it to bring another player into the game—an additional chance to control the prophecy. Even Chiron, Annabeth, and Grover, who should've been celebrating the moment, were too shocked, pondering what it might mean for the future. Percy found himself holding someone destined to be his best friend—or possibly his worst enemy. "I am Thalia," the girl said. "Daughter of Zeus."

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