III. Scared Dwarves

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Percy Jackson stood before Meriwether College Prep, his eyes fixed on the unassuming building that was now a crucial waypoint in his quest. He had returned to this place after a long time, and it stirred up memories—some of them pleasant, some haunting. The events that had unfolded here were intertwined with his life as an orphan, and they continued to shape his destiny. As he gazed at the school, a sudden, vivid memory flooded his mind, and he felt a shiver run down his spine. It was a dream, a nightmare he had experienced not too long ago. In this dream, Grover, his loyal satyr friend, was trapped in a dark cave, dressed up as a bride. Percy had seen Grover in that cave, looking both terrified and ridiculous in his bridal attire. The image was comical and disturbing all at once. It had been a dream that left Percy with an uneasy feeling as if it were a premonition of something ominous that awaited them. Grover was an essential part of Percy's life. He had been with him since the beginning of his adventures as a demigod, and Percy had vowed to protect and support him no matter what. Seeing Grover in such a situation in his dream had shaken Percy to the core. Percy's brow furrowed as he remembered the dream more clearly. He recalled the cave, its walls slick with moisture, the sound of distant water dripping, and the eerie green glow of fireflies casting an otherworldly light. Grover's panicked voice echoed in his mind, pleading for help. As Percy stood before Meriwether College Prep, he realized that the dream was more than just a product of his imagination. It was a message, a warning from the mystical forces that often influenced his life. He had learned to trust his instincts, and this dream felt like a call to action. Deep inside, Percy knew that he needed to find Grover and rescue him from whatever peril lay ahead. He couldn't shake the feeling that Grover's life was in danger, and he was the only one who could save him.But he couldn't as he didn't know any details on Grover for almost a year. And he would want to ask Pallas on it. But Percy Jackson was ready for whatever the fates had in store for him, and he would not rest until he had saved his loyal satyr friend from the unknown threat that loomed over him in that dark and ominous cave.

He strode through the halls of Meriwether College Prep School with a determined look on his face. He wasn't there for a typical school day. Instead, he was on a quest, a quest to hunt down the rogue gang of Laistrygonian giants rumored to be lurking in the vicinity. The smell of danger hung heavy in the air, and he couldn't afford to be distracted. He had a sinking feeling that trouble was brewing behind its ivy-covered walls. As he cautiously entered the campus, he couldn't help but feel out of place. He had always felt more at home in Camp Half-Blood, but this mission required his presence here. The giants had been attacking children, and Percy was sent by Pallas. Sending him to hunt a group of monsters was a part of his training so that he could get real battle experiences.  As he reached the school's courtyard, his sharp demigod senses picked up something unusual. A massive figure loomed nearby. It was a tall, hulking boy with shaggy hair. This guy seemed out of place, even in a school full of teenagers. and Percy instinctively gripped Riptide, his trusty celestial bronze sword, in its concealed form, ready for action. He couldn't take any chances. The giant turned toward him, and for a moment, Percy felt his heart race. It was a Cyclop, one of the monstrous cannibals who were notoriously dangerous. But this giant didn't appear aggressive. In fact, he was looking at Percy with wide, innocent eyes, his massive frame hunched over. "Hey, there! I'm Tyson," the giant said with a friendly smile, revealing a mouthful of mismatched teeth. "Who are you?" Percy couldn't help but lower his guard slightly. He wasn't used to cyclops being so... well, friendly. "I'm Percy," he replied cautiously. "What are you doing here?" Tyson's smile grew even wider.  "You're Percy Jackson, right?" He asked hopefully. Percy was surprised. How did a monster knew his name.  "Yeah, I'm Percy Jackson," he answered, his suspicion building his guard once again. "But how do you know me?" Tyson scratched his head, his unkempt hair sticking out in all directions. "A voice told me to find you." Percy was taken aback. The voice? Could it be a divine message of some sort? He had encountered enough strange things in his life to consider it a possibility. But it could also be Kronos.  "Okay, Tyson," Percy said, sheathing Riptide. "I'm Percy Jackson, and you've found me. But why are you here at this school, and who is this voice you mentioned?" Tyson's eyes gleamed with childlike enthusiasm. "I'm here to learn! The voice told me I have to protect you. And it's not a bad place. People are nice. I like it here. But there are some mean ones here, they would hurt other children. And once I have seen them turn to some kind of giants. But others thought I was crazy. " Percy couldn't help but smile. Maybe this Cyclop, Tyson, was not as dangerous he thought it would be. And from what he could guess was that this Cyclop had no idea of the world it belongs to. And perhaps, he could teach Tyson a few things about not being a monster. "So why don't you lead me to them, maybe I can teach them some manners?" Tyson smiled happily at that and joyfully led him into basketball court.  

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