294 18 5

Muskurata ye chehra

Deta hai jo pehra,

Jaane chupata kya

Dil ka samandar,

Auron ko to har-dum

Saaya deta hai,

Dhoop mein khada hai

Khud magar...


Evara was getting ready to go to her parent's house as her mother had called her to come meet her and have some family time. A lot has changed in the last few years, especially after Viren's fiasco.

Viren was her father's choice and she couldn't help but hold it against him. She had always been meek in front of her father but that one incident changed her—she had become bold, she didn't take her father's bullshit anymore and stood up for herself in front of him.

She was just putting on her sneakers when the doorbell rang. She got confused as she was not expecting anyone. She opened the door only to come face to face with the last person she wanted to see.

Neil Khanna.

"You!" He exclaimed. "What are you doing here?"

Evara stood there with a bored expression and raised an eyebrow at the absurd question. "I live here, where do you think I should be?"

Neil gaped at her. She noticed a tray full of sugary goods in his hands and connected the dots. He is the person who moved into the apartment adjacent to hers.

She has only two weaknesses—Chinese food and sugary goods.

"Are those for me?" she asked hiding her excitement. He might be her mortal enemy but the man can cook and she can never say no to food even if it's from him.

"No! I made these for my neighbour."

"Well, I'm your neighbour. Thank you for these." Before he could even blink she took the tray from his hands and closed the door on his face.

An excited squeal escaped her before she took a bite from the cupcake she picked and moaned at the flavours as it melted in her mouth.

After finishing it, she placed the tray on the kitchen counter making a note to transfer them to a different dish after she got back home.


She reached her parents' home and went inside to see her mother and elder sister laughing and talking about something. Her father's absence didn't go unnoticed either.

She first greeted her mother and touched her feet to take her blessings then she moved to her sister and took her in a bear hug.

She and her sister always had a close bond that was cherished by both. After Sameera, it was her sister with whom she shared everything.

She sat on the love seat which was opposite to where they were seated so it was easier to look at both of them.

They started talking and told each other about their lives and everything that has happened since they last met.

"Evara," her mother cleared her throat and she knew what was coming, "Your dad has found a guy for you—"

She cut her mother off in the between. "Mumma, how many times do I have to tell you that I am not interested? Especially, in guys who are chosen by Mr. Kapoor."

"He is your dad! Show some respect." Her mother exclaimed at how she addressed her father.

"No Mom, you're wrong! Yes, he's my father but he stopped being my dad a long time ago. There is a huge difference between a father and a dad. Any man can be a father but it takes a lot to be a dad and unfortunately, I don't have a dad, only a father who only cares about his ego."

"Fine! Then I'll find someone for you." her mother said.

"I don't wanna marry anyone!"

"You'd need companionship when you grow old in your life." Her mother tried to explain to her

"Oh really? Then, where is your companion? I can't see him."

"Evara!" her sister scolded her but Evara ignored her. She would take the scolding some other time.

"What? Did I say something wrong? No, only the truth. Is it not allowed to say the truth in this house, now?" she walked toward her mother and knelt before her while taking her hands. "Mom, I love you to the moon and back and you know that. I'm sorry if my words hurt you but you can't deny the fact that even though you had always called your husband out on his bullshit and always told him about his mistakes, you never had the guts to divorce him even when he was mentally, emotionally and sometimes even verbally abused you. Viren did something Mr. Kapoor never had the guts for—he raised his hand on me. I can't let that happen to me ever again and if, for that, I have to defy you? I will."

She hated the fact that her mother had tears in her eyes because of her but she also knew that her mother needed to hear it.

A tear rolled down her mother's cheek as she caressed Evara's head. "Not everyone is the same, Evara. Your father and Viren are the worst of their kind but that doesn't mean every guy in your life would be the same. Look at Aman and Yuvraj—they are not like that, they are respectful and kind. You can find someone like them too."

She let out a humourless chuckle. "Let's be honest here, I'm the unluckiest when it comes to love. We've all seen that. So, I'd rather stay alone than have a life like you. I know it hurts to hear Mom but that's my truth."

She stood up and walked to the door, ready to leave but stopped to say one last thing.

"Mom, next time don't call me if you are only going to talk about the guys for my marriage. I am not marrying anyone and even if I did it would be because I found him. I won't marry any guy you or Mr. Kapoor choose for me. One last thing, it's a saying that children usually have to fight the battles their parents didn't have the guts for. Maybe I'm fighting because you didn't."

With that, she stepped out and left for her home.

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