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After the door slammed Liam instantly felt bad, he was ashamed of himself for treating her like that. He wanted to run after her and apologize because he didn't want the conversation to go like that. He isn't sure what came over him but maybe he was a little jealous once he saw the ring. He just couldn't figure out why he still loved her so much...
A part of him wanted to hate her but how could he. He mostly hated all the different sides of him she was able to bring out without even trying. How after all these years she is still the only girl to drive him crazy. He wanted to go after her but he knew Fatima and he knew she needed space.

He sat on the couch thinking of all the fucked up things he said to her and he was angry with himself for bringing up Jojo's paternity. Fatima only told Liam about her doubts when Jojo had to stay in the hospital. She confided in him about the possibility of another guy but she never told anyone else. With the help of Liam and his well connected family members they were able to find a address and instagram for Zac when Jojo was a month shy of 3 years old.. 

Fatima would spend countless nights stalking his page but couldn't bring herself to reach out to him. At the time, Zac's social media was full of his accomplishments, properties he owned, and a lot of travel. She didn't know where Jojo would fit into his life. She didn't know if a one night stand would be worth reaching out to him and ruining his life so she continued to keep the secret to herself...

Scanning through his page she couldn't deny their uncanny resemblance. It was no doubt Jojo belonged to him. Fatima couldn't bring herself to hurt the people around her including Isaiah so she just kept her mouth shut. When she saw Zac was moving back to Georgia she knew she was going to have to reach out to him eventually although she was terrified he would reject Jojo...

At that time, the only thing Fatima was certain with was that her time with Liam was fleeting. He didn't deserve to be on the end of all her life mistakes. Fatima went back and forth endlessly on what was the best thing to do for her daughter.
Jojo was close to 3 and attached to Liam at that point so Fatima didn't want to confuse her more. Once she made her decision not to reach out to Zac she never looked at his page again...

Nearing her final months with Liam she began to make poor decisions like sleeping with him...
Maybe Liam was right it was the closure she needed at the time. Seeing Liam and jojo asleep on that couch that night made her realize she was only hurting the both of them. Liam deserved someone who could love him better and Jojo deserved to have moments like that with her father. The site of them at peace together tore her up inside which is why she was crying..

Although Liam would've continued to be there for her and Jojo regardless of the outcome she knew that wasn't fair for him. She loved him too much to continue to hurt him...
Liam doesn't know, but the day she left him was one of the hardest things she ever had to do. She protected him from a lot of things but it was time to protect him from her too....

Fatima sat in the car at home wiping her eyes as quickly as the tears fell. She did not expect her conversation with Liam would be so bad. She had high hopes she would go there and things would be good but things felt worse than ever. The guilt she felt was overbearing because everything was her fault, she's caused pain to so many people.
Isaiah, Lori, Liam Zac even her own daughter she was the common denominator.
'Tornado Tima' those words flooded her heart and mind, a constant reminder that she ruins everything good in her life...
She laid her head back against the headrest in hopes of absorbing her tears so she could exit her vehicle.
Once she was stable enough to go in the house she turned off her car and went in carrying the hurt of the conversation with her
She didn't want Zac to worry so after she put the kids to bed she just told him the conversation went well and overall her and Liam were able to get a better understanding..
Zac was under the impression things were fine and they were all moving forward finally...
When the day finally came to a end she found herself in bed in Zac's arms with her face nuzzled In between his neck. She didn't know what she did to deserve him. As she slowly tried to drift off to sleep she couldn't help but wonder if maybe she didn't deserve him after all.
I'm so sorry Zac I should've told you
she whispered as she reached her hand to caress his warm cheek. She fell asleep that night wondering if Zac knew the whole truth would he still love her. It was a thought she couldn't shush while she tossed and turned through the night hoping the next day would be better....

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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