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Fatima drives away, She immediately FaceTimed Zac to let him know she had journey

Fatima. I got her back babe she's okay, everything's okay

Zac takes a sigh of relief he was so happy she found her

Zac. Thank you God
.. let me talk to her please

Fatima reaches in the backseat to hand Jojo the phone

Jojo. Hi Daddy! She says with the biggest smile on her face

Jojo had no clue how worried her parents were about her

Zac. Hi baby, daddy was losing his mind without you I love you so much I can't wait to hug you

Jojo. I had so much fun daddy where's Jaxson!
Journey was only concerned about seeing Jaxson

Zac. He's with Auntie Lo. Tell mommy to meet us there, me and Uncle Li about to be on our way now

Fatima. I'm on my way too babe I'm not far
Fatima says as she grabbed the phone back from Journey

Zac. Where did you find her at.. Zac was curious

Fatima. When I get there we will talk about it okay

Zac. Alright baby I love y'all drive safe please

Fatima. I will honey I love you Too

Jojo. I love you Three daddy
Jojo yells from the back seat being silly

Zac. I love you Four Jojo!

Jojo. And I love you Five trillion million zillion infinity square

Fatima giggled while they went back and forth

She was excited to get back and see Jaxson and Zac she wanted to be around her family

Jojo. Mommy I have a question

Fatima. Okay baby what is it
Fatima says while glancing back at journey who was playing with some things she got from Chuck E. Cheese

Jojo. Is daddy Zay going to leave me forever

Fatima briefly closes her eyes. She knew after Journey saw Zay she would have more questions about why he's not around especially since he's been there her entire life

Fatima really doesn't know how to respond to Jojo's question but she still tries to say something

Fatima. Welll....  she drags..
Zay isn't our family anymore baby so he won't be around

Jojo. But mommy that's not true Jaxson has two mommies, I have two daddies

Fatima. No baby you're wrong you don't have two daddies you have one dad Zay isn't your dad Jojo remember we talked about this

Jojo. Are you still mad at him

Fatima. No I'm not mad anymore I forgave him a long time ago

Jojo. Then why can't we do more stuff with daddy Zay like the park.. Mommy we're happy there
Daddy and Jaxson can come too then we can be together again
she yelled getting chocked up

In journeys head it's simple just like the drawing she made that day

Fatima pulls over realizing this is a deeper conversation that can't wait until later

Fatima. Have you talked to daddy about any of this. Fatima asked slightly annoyed but not with Journey but with Isaiah because him popping up again just further confused Journey

Our JourneyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon