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Fatima is up a little early today, probably because she slept all day yesterday. She turns over to find Zac in bed but he wasn't. She only sees Jojo and Jaxson who must've snuck in their bed during the night because she remembers tucking them in their own beds last night. She smiles and rub her belly remembering their  new addition that would be arriving soon. She pulls Journey up towards the pillows because for some reason she always flips to the opposite end of the bed, she's an awful sleeper. She pulls the cover back over both of them and gets out of bed following the smell of breakfast coming from the kitchen.

Zac. Good morning baby...
oh and good morning to my other baby Zac says rubbing and kissing Fatima's stomach. I was trying to make you breakfast in bed but you ruined the surprise Zac says while flipping the last of the pancakes.

Fatima. Sorry honey I'm just so happy I haven't been this happy in so long..she says with all smiles hugging his back not wanting to let him go
if she could be in his skin she would

Zac stops what he's doing to turn around and show her some love pulling her into a tight hug. I love you so much Ti you have no idea he says kissing her forehead. Fatima grabs his face and depends the kiss

Fatima. If you love me then come show me right quick she says pulling him back towards the island of the kitchen. He picks her up and sits her on it and starts kissing her again. Moments later Zac pulls away and starts laughing...

Fatima. what's funny why'd you stop

Zac. I was just thinking how familiar this feels it was probably this exact same spot where we made this baby

Fatima. Fatima looks around the island she was in fact sitting in the same spot where her and Zac rekindled the flame she laughs and jumps down

Zac. Wait baby what you doing you not tryna give me none or you want it on the floor. Shit turn around and bend over we can stand Zac says still trying to get some before the kids woke up

Fatima. Fatima laughs nervously because thinking about that spot brings back the memories that came with it so she changes the subject..
"Well first of all babe the pancake is burning" she says pointing behind him at the stove ..
Zac turns around quickly remembering he was in the middle of breakfast.

Zac. He lifts the dark pancake up and set it aside
"this one for you since you got me all riled up and not trying give me none" he said in a dead serious tone and Fatima laughs..
"what's funny" he says snapping his neck back towards her

Fatima. You're such a baby. Babe Im not saying no I'm saying I'll handle it later you know the kids will be up soon anyway

Zac. Handle me now.. coming down in my favorite pjs you knew what you were doing so stop teasing me and give me some I hear good things about pregnancy pussy he says rubbing her butt but she stops him

Fatima. Stop whining you know ima give you some I'm just hungry

Zac. Fine well since you're up I guess you can do the eggs Jaxson will only eat yours when you make them. Zac laughs

Fatima. Speaking of Jaxson still no word from your sister it's been months babe

Zac. Nope I haven't heard from her I'm assuming she left town with her boyfriend and left Jax here with me. I don't mind having him but what mom abandons a four year old. How could she turn around and do the same thing our mom did to us.

Fatima. Hey hey look at me Fatima says as she notice Zac is about to jump of the deep end when it comes to past trauma...
He's safe here with us and he's happy here he barely even mentions her.

Zac. He thinks we're his parents now babe. Are we wrong for letting him call us mom and dad. I cant keep telling him his mom is coming back because I don't know if she is. I did that in the beginning and she would never show.  

Fatima. I think he's a 4 year old little boy who is trying to make sense of the situation he's in. Journey calls us mommy and daddy he's just copying her he doesn't know any better

Zac. So you don't mind that he calls you his mom I know you didn't exactly sign up for this 

Fatima. What Zac no of course not I just think we need to make sure we talk to a lawyer about custody just so we can do things the right way.
.. He told me he likes football. He's always running scoring touchdowns in the living room. I was looking at flag football for his age but we can't even get him registered since we technically have no rights to him. I hate to get the law involved but we have to think of him

Zac. Yeah you're right see this why I love you

Fatima. I love you more. She kisses him and looks at him
Because if your sister think she's going to pop up later in his life and take him from us-

Zac. Calm down thug

Fatima don't play when it comes to Jaxson he's the sweetest kid ever and when he called her mom the first time she didn't feel any different then a mom to him. They formed a really good bond over the past few months and if his mom were to try to take him from them she would be hurt. Jaxson is attached to Fatima and Journey is attached to Zac so everything has been copasetic at the house for them. 


Fatima goes to the fridge to get the eggs out so she could start preparing them before the kids got up. When she opened the door to the fridge some of the kids drawings came falling off of it onto the floor. 

Fatima. We really need a better place to put their pictures we're seriously running out of fridge space. Babe every picture they draw is not even fridge worthy she laughs picking up the scribble scrabble art work off the floor. 

.. see look at this one I bet you cant even tell me what it is. she says showing Zac one of the papers.

Zac. oh that's Jaxson's let me see.. he takes hold of the paper.

 Well umm if you just squinch your eyes and tilt your head a little to the right then the left you can obviously see that it is umm ... 

 Zac couldn't tell at all what it was it was a big blob of nothing but every color in the crayon box 

 Zac. Well if Jaxson drew it than its probably Bitch, Zac says back jokingly looking and the doodle  

Fatima. shut up you're so stupid she giggled. They laughed about Jaxson and the new word he learned at his aunt and uncles house. No babe seriously tell me what this one is, she says showing him another scrawl.

Zac. Oh that easy, princess drew this one and explained it so I remember.

 She gave it to me yesterday when she got up from her nap she made it just for me at Lori's house, Zac says proudly looking at his baby girls masterpiece. She said this is me and you sitting in the house and that's her and Jaxson outside with the dog. Zac goes around pointing at the figures exactly how jojo explained it to him.  

Fatima. okay but who is this supposed to be she says pointing at the extra stick figure 

Zac. maybe the new baby Zac guesses because Jojo never said who is was. 

Fatima analyzes the paper a little more because Jojo didn't know about the baby until yesterday night. Her mind started to wonder if Journey drew Isaiah and didn't want to tell Zac who it was. Fatima didn't want to trouble Zac with her thoughts so she put the paper back in the stacked pile she made of the ones that fell on the floor. 

It wasn't long after that her thoughts became stronger. Journey use to wake up in the middle of the night screaming "daddy stop" when they first moved in with Zac. She stopped having nightmares but now Fatima cant help but wonder if a part of Journey still misses Zay. I mean he was the only dad she knew once before. 

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