Chapter 3: Pacts and Shit

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Tsubaki Shinra's Apartment
Tsubaki POV
Hajime: Wow...wom...wowm...wowm...wowm...wowm...wowm...wowm....

I could hear Akamizu just singing the same word in a little tune from the bathroom. But he's also smacking my bathtub as well. It's getting really irritating, especially when you're working on getting your laundry done.

Tsubaki: Finish it up in there!

Hajime: Wowm...wowm...wowm...wAOwm...wowm...wowm...wAOOW...wowm...wowm...

I could only sigh right now to the constant headache I was receiving as of this moment. What s pain.

But on the bright side I can think of a good thing about the bathtub. I already bathed myself earlier this morning. My hair is well washed and conditioned, with my skin well soothed with the lotion I used after bathing.

Small Timeskip
He's in the bathroom again.

Is he alright?

Or did he sleep on the toilet?

Perhaps I should check on him, he's taking a while in the bathroom, much longer than I would think the average male takes.

I went to open the door and I was right on one of the few probabilities that I had listed:

He had indeed fallen asleep on the toilet.

I sighed again and knocked on the door, which seemed to have woken him up. He shook his head and opened his eyes. He turned to look at me.

Hajime: Huh?

Tsubaki: I understand that you need to use the bathroom, but please don't go falling asleep on the toilet. Do I make myself clear?

Hajime: Hm...? Oh it...Sorry. least he admitted his guilt and took responsibility. I'll leave him with that.

I shut the door, turned around and left. But I keep on thinking to myself.

What are the chances that Akamizu falls asleep on the toilet again...? Probably good.

It was breakfast time, and Akamizu was having some toast and jam.

I have to say...Akamizu is quite a messy eater.

It's either that or he must've been seriously starving.

But the area is quite a mess now. Plenty of jam and bread is just everywhere on the table. His face is quite messy too.

How infuriating.

Hm? What's with that face he's making now? Is he embarrassed.

Hajime: Sorry know...for the mess.

for the mess

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

Eh...? Why does my face feel hot?

Hajime: I can help clean it up.

Wait...did he just say my first name?

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