Chapter 5

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Ranpo walked into the house. Fukuzawa and Yosana are in the living room talking. "Hey kid" Fukuzawa said. Yosana said nothing and smiled. "Hey" he said in a different tone of voice than usual while walking to the stairs. "Ranpo come here" Yosana said in a worried tone. He sighed and walked to the living room. Yosana and Fukuzawa shared a look. "Sit" Fukuzawa said. He sat down next to Yosana. She smelled the smoke as soon as Ranpo sat down. "Woah you smell like cigarette smoke" she gave Ranpo a confused look. Ranpo stayed silent. "Ranpo where were you" Fukuzawa said in a stern but gentle tone. He sighed and looked over at Yosana then back at Fukuzawa. "I was with Poe" he said. Yosana and Fukuzawa looked at each other confused. "I'm pretty sure Poe doesn't smoke" Yosana said. He let out a frustrated sigh. "I know but I'm starting to think he does I asked him why his car smelled like cigarette smoke but he didn't answer. I kept asking but then he snapped at me. He never snaps at me" he said starting to tear up. "Kid calm down" Fukuzawa said while getting up. He sat down next to Ranpo who was still trying not to cry. Yosano got up from the couch and turned to Ranpo. She took off his hat and cape and started to head over to the coat rack. "Wait!" he yelled. She turned around to look at him "yes?". "Get the letters out of my cape they're in the pocket in the back of it" he said. She reached into the pocket and retrieved the stack of letters then started to make her way to the coat rack placeing his hat and cape on the coat rack. She made her way back to Fukuzawa who was stroking Ranpo's hair and Ranpo who was now sobbing and his head was now on Fukuzawa's lap. She went to Ranpo and took his shoes of placeing them where the rest of the shoes were and then lifted his legs so he was now laying on the couch. She sat down on the floor and leaned her head on Fukuzawa's leg. Fukuzawa started to stroke her hair with his free hand. She started to hum a calming tune. Ranpo started to calm down. Eventually both Ranpo and Yosano fell asleep. Fukuzawa looked down at the both of the kids (well adults but kids to him) with a soft smile.

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