Info for chapter 6

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This is info for chapter 6 and also why a explanation of what the wax seal colors meant in chapter 3

The real Edgar Allan Poe lived through 1809-1849 he lived through the Regency Era (1811-1820) and the Victorian era (1837-1901) the wax seal color has a meaning to them.

Wax color meaning
●Blue:Romance and love. The stronger the shade of blue the stronger the feeling of love

●Black:Times of mourning. Sender or recipient suffered loss or tragedy. Indicates death or of grave importance and used for documents related to funerals and other solemn occasions


●Red:Business or legal documents

●Green:Friendly letter between friends or acquaintances

●Pink:Praise, congratulations, and admiration. Appropriate for a letter of commendation or appreciation or a note of congratulations on an auspicious occasion

●Brown/Chocolate Brown/Chestnut Brown:Dinner invitation

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