Chapter 1

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Hope you guys enjoy!
TW: self harm

Karl and Poe got back to the mansion Karl quickly scurried up the stairs and right into his bed. "Karl i'm going to be in the library" Poe said as he looked into the room Karl looked at him then fell asleep. Poe then made his way to the library and sat down at his desk and started to finish writing the book for Ranpo. After a hour Poe started drifting off in the middle of writing causing him to make a line up the page and smearing the fresh ink. He slowly looked at the page he ruined and got mad. Frustrated Poe went to the bathroom and started looking in the medicine cabinet. After finding the razor blade. Within a few seconds he started to cut starting at his finger tips making his way up to his forearm. Digging the blade deeper into his skin each cut he made. Feeling satisfied he put the blade on the counter and started to look for the first aid kit. He set the kit on the floor before standing up and turning on the tap and washing away the blood. Sitting on the floor he took out the alcohol wipes and cleaned the cuts. Looking at them he realized that some of them needed to be stitched up. He quickly took out the needle and thread that was in the kit and stiched them after he was done stiching them he bandaged them. Sighing he realized that he cut his writing hand. He got up from the floor and started to clean up the bathroom then headed back to the library. Sitting back down at his desk he picked up the quill and started to rewrite the page he ruined then continued to write the book. As he wrote the last page he flipped through the pages and noticed little red spots on the pages. He realized that the cuts bled through the bandages. "I don't have enough time to rewrite the pages that are ruined it's already midnight" Poe mumbled. He figured that he would give the book to Ranpo and make a excuse so he can leave as quickly as he can. He then quickly got up from his chair went back to the bathroom to change the bandages then walked to his room. He made Karl scoot over so he had enough space to lay down and sleep. Almost as soon as he got into bed he passed out.

~Next Day~

Poe woke up with Karl laying on his chest he started to pet him. Poe decided not to wake Karl. After a half hour Karl finally woke up and started to make a noise Poe knew what that noise meant Karl was hungry. "Karl why don't you go ahead downstairs and I'll meet you down there ok?" Poe said. Karl looked at him and jumpped off the bed to head downstairs. Poe got up and got dressed and went out on the balcony. He took out a cigarette and lit it. He remembered about the pages that were ruined. "I'll just hope he won't figure it out before I leave the building" he thought. Quickly finishing the cigarette he went back inside and cologne on so he wouldn't smell like smoke. Heading downstairs he went into the kitchen and fed Karl. "Bye Karl i'll be back as soon as possible" Yelling out to the kitchen where Karl was before rushing out the door to his car. He made sure he had everything and started driving to the ADA building. When he got there he stayed in his car for a couple a minutes before takeing the pack of cigarettes and the lighter out of his pocket and put them in the glove box. Getting out of his car he slowly walked to the building. Walking up the stair nervously as soon as he got to were the office was he started to panic a little. "I have to calm myself down before going in there" Poe thought. Before he could even start and try to calm himself down the door opened and he heard a familiar voice. "ED!!!!!!" Ranpo yelled happily. "H-hi Ranpo" Poe said before he felt a sharp pain shoot up his forearm as Ranpo grabbed his wrist dragging him into his office. Poe stopped himself from yelling in pain. As they made their way to Ranpo's desk while the other ADA  members greeted him then went back to what they were doing. Dazai decided to listen to the two. The two were talking for a few minutes before Poe cautiously gave Ranpo the book Dazai thought it was weird. Dazai then looked down to Poe's other hand and saw a slight glimps of bandages. Poe quickly got up and rushed out of the door makeing a excuse. Ranpo thought nothing of it and opened the book. "I'm going to annoy the hat rack" Dazai said while rushing out the door before anyone could say anything. Poe started his car and was about to leave but before he could Dazai knocked on his window. Poe rolled down the window "Do you need something Dazai?" Poe asked". "Yeah can I get in?" Dazai asked. "Sure" Poe said. Dazai got into Poe's car a few seconds later Poe started to drive.

~In The Car~

"Why did you stop me do you need me to take you somewhere Dazai?" Poe asked confused. "No I just wanted to talk so keep driving." Dazai said with a small smirk. "Ok.". There were a few moments of silence before Dazai started talking "Hey do you mind if steal a cigarette" Dazai said while pulling out the pack of cigarette and lighter from the glove box and lightning one. Poe lookat Dazai with shock "h-h-how did you know". Dazai looked at Poe and smirked "Don't question it but I do have a question for you". Poe was nervous. "What happened to your hand?" Dazai was grinning he already knew the answer but wanted to hear it from Poe. "i-i...." Poe couldn't answer. "If you don't stop you'll end up looking like me". Poe didn't know what to say. "You can tell me when we get back to your mansion" Dazai said with a small smile. "Ok..." Poe said quietly. The rest of the ride was silent until Dazai's phone went off

                                                 sweet tooth

5:30 PM: I know you're with Poe

                                                                                          5:30 PM: how'd you guess :)

5:31 PM: whatever ask Poe why there are red spots on some pages of the book

                                                                                          5:31 PM: will do

Dazai turned off his phone and looked over at Poe. "Hey Ranpo was wondering about some red spots on the pages in the book" Dazai said. "Oh" was all Poe could say. Then for the remainder of the ride it was completely silent. Finally they arrived Poe grabbed the pack of cigarettes and lighter and got out walking to the front door Dazai following close be hind.

Bloody Pages - RanpoeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ