Chapter 17: Tainted Reconciliation

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Eira Heliocyth's POV

"Are you done?", she inquired with a stoic expression, as if my outburst had little impact on her.

In a burst of frustration, I summoned purple flames, my hands trembling with pent-up energy. With a quick flick of my wrist, I sent the flames shooting towards Astrid, aiming at her direction. She dodged with surprising agility, her movements graceful even in the midst of chaos.

As the chaos of our little escapade settled, my gaze flicked to Astrid, her cool demeanor barely ruffled by the flames I'd conjured.

Seriously, was she made of ice?


The flames caught the bushes, scorching a hole through the foliage and revealing a rectangular gold flag nestled within.

Intrigued, we ventured through the hole in the bushes, eager to get a closer look at the flag beckoning us from beyond.

We stood there, facing each other and the flag between us. It was as if we were both waiting for the other to make a move, each of us unsure of the other's intentions.

I braced myself for what was to come. In that moment, I felt a surge of determination, a desire to seize the flag.

Counting to three in my head, I braced myself for what was to come.




With synchronized precision, we both reached for the flag, our fingers brushing against cold metal pole as we grasped it simultaneously. In an instant, the world around us blurred, and we were transported out of the dark maze.

"Were you actually considering leaving me stranded there?" I asked, my voice laced with disbelief and a hint of incredulity.

With a raised eyebrow and a slight smirk playing on her lips, Astrid's voice dripped with sarcasm as she uttered, "Interesting... Care to enlighten me on the identity of the flag's other custodian, the one who seems rather possessive?" Her tone was casual, yet there was a hint of mockery underlying her words, as if she already knew the answer but was enjoying the game of pretending otherwise.

I rolled my eyes.

"Congrats, fellow witches, you have passed!" Professor Evergreen's voice cut through the tension, bringing a sense of finality to the moment.

"That's what I'm talking about. We need more witches working together; we're a team after all.", he continued, his words a reminder of the importance of unity in our community. But as I glanced at Astrid, standing beside me with her usual aloof expression, I couldn't shake the feeling that some rifts were too deep to mend.

As Professor Evergreen's words echoed in the courtyard, signaling the successful completion of the initiation, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. Despite the tension between Astrid and me, we had managed to secure our victory and prove our worth as witches.

As the other team members emerged from the dark maze, each clutching their respective flags, I couldn't resist a smirk of triumph. It seemed that everyone had managed to navigate the treacherous maze and retrieve their flags, albeit with varying degrees of difficulty.

Amidst the congratulatory chatter and camaraderie, Astrid and I exchanged a knowing glance. Despite our differences, there was an unspoken understanding between us - a shared bond forged through countless arguments and competitions.

But as we made our way back to the inside the academy heading towards our respective dorms, I couldn't shake the nagging feeling that something was amiss. Astrid's aloof demeanor, her tendency to keep others at arm's length, hinted at a deeper insecurity lurking beneath the surface.

As I observed Astrid, my mind drifted to the thoughts I had. There were murmurs about her cautious approach to interactions, suggesting a reluctance to let others in too close for fear of getting hurt. Astrid's icy facade seemed impenetrable, hiding the inner turmoil that lay beneath.

And as I glanced at her now, lost in her own thoughts, I couldn't help but wonder what demons lurked behind her. Perhaps, in our own way, we were both struggling to navigate the complexities of connection, each grappling with our own fears.

But for now, as we walked side by side in the halls of the academy, I pushed aside those thoughts, content to bask in the glow of our shared victory. After all, in a world filled with magic and mystery, anything was possible - even unlikely friendships forged amidst the chaos.


Astrid's POV

As I turned the doorknobs of our dorm room, the wooden panels swung open, revealing a scene that grated against my already frayed nerves. Lily and Xavier, caught in a moment of laughter, their voices intertwining in an echo of camaraderie. It was as if the tumult of last night had never transpired, as if their argument had been erased by the morning light.

My stomach churned with a mixture of frustration and disbelief.

How could they carry on as if nothing had happened?

Did Lily not learn anything, the gravity of their words? the weight of their actions?


The sounds of annoyance echoed in my mind.

Suppressing that annoyance, I reminded myself that I had no time for her martyrdom.

As I entered the room, their laughter faltered, replaced by a tense silence that hung between us like a veil of ice. Lily's gaze met mine, a flicker of shame dancing in her eyes, but I found myself unable to muster even a shred of sympathy.

With a wave of my hand, I summoned a black dome of magic, enclosing my bedroom side of the dorm room in a barrier of isolation. It was a crude gesture, a physical manifestation of my desire to shut out their presence.

In the cocoon of solitude, I allowed myself a moment of satisfaction.

Manipulating magic had become second nature to me, a skill honed through trial and error, each success a testament to my growing prowess.

But amidst the quiet solitude, a nagging question lingered in the recesses of my mind. Was Lily truly dense to the turmoil he had caused her, or was she simply choosing to ignore it, burying her head in the sand like an ostrich oblivious to the storm raging around her?

I shook my head, dismissing the thought as quickly as it had come. It was none of my business, after all.

With a sense of purpose, I dispersed the oppressive darkness enveloping me and departed from the dorm room, finding its stifling atmosphere unbearable. The air outside beckoned, promising a respite from the suffocating atmosphere of the dorm room.

'Finally free from their stupidity', I thought, 'I can focus on what truly matters - unraveling the mysteries that lurk within these walls.'

As I stepped out of the room, a wave of relief washed over me, leaving behind the suffocating tangle of emotions that threatened to ensnare my spirit.

Navigating the dimly lit corridors, I found myself face to face with Mip Rosales.

"Oh, for the love of all things magical, can't I catch a break?" I muttered under my breath, but to my surprise, Mip's usual vibrant demeanor was replaced by a pallor of distress.

"Hi sugarplum! Bye," he muttered hurriedly, his voice strained, his complexion ashen, and beads of sweat glistening on his forehead.


To be continued...

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