Chapter 6: The Ascendants' Influence

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As Alex and Sophia rushed back to town at night, the moon shone on Silverwood. Every step they took made them aware of the danger that was closing in.

Once Alex got to the edge of town, he felt a heavy feeling of dread settle into his chest. Meeting the Moonfang Pack had shown him a dangerous truth that had changed the way he thought about the werewolf world.

Alex said in a hurried voice, "We need to tell the Eclipse Pack."

Sophia nodded, and her eyes showed how determined she was. "We need to stop the Ascendants from having power over them."

The Ascendants. In the past, there was a group that quietly ran the werewolf packs. The effects of their presence took up all of Alex's thoughts. How long did it take for them to take care of everything behind the scenes? What were they trying to do with him and Sophia?

Alex felt like someone was watching him as he walked through the town's empty streets. He knew that time was running out because each shadow seemed to hide a danger.

Alex spoke quietly but firmly, "We need to find Elena. She needs to know the truth."

Sophia nodded, and her eyes carefully looked around the area for any possible dangers. "How do we talk to her, though?"

"We will figure it out," Alex said to show how determined he was.

They got to the Eclipse Pack's territory, where the smell of the pack mixed with the stress in the air. Alex could feel his heart beating fast as he got closer to the main house. He was aware that this conversation would be tough.

All of the pack members were working hard on their tasks. They were all seniors in high school, just like them. In contrast to the Moonfang pack, they will just watch them without moving. Elena would join them after showering. Suddenly, Sophia's phone rang in the otherwise quiet room, waking everyone up. To see who was calling, Sophia quickly took her phone out of her pocket. Alex noticed how gloomy she looked.

She quickly looked at him, Sophia. "Uh, it's my dad. He wants me to go home."

Alex got up right away. "Okay, let me drive you home."

Sophia got to her feet and grabbed Alex's arm. "My brother will get me, but not from here. He doesn't need to know that I'm at Elena's house."

"You're leaving?"

Sophia and Alex turned their attention to the speaker and saw Elena standing behind them. Surprisingly, she wore nothing except a towel hurled over her body. Alex quickly turned his attention to Sophia instead.

"Are you sure that..."

"She is sure for sure." Elena held Sophia as they approached the door.

"Sofia, should I let you go?" Elena whispered to her. Sophie quickly looked in her direction. "I can't wait to see how your brother reacts when he finds out you're in my territory."

"Elena, what do you want?" Sophia asked. "Alex and I are here to warn you."

"Warned me?" Elena smiled wickedly. "Sophia, it should be me who warns Alex about you."

It looked like Sophia was feeling bad. "What are you saying?"

She smirked softly. Elena leans in close to Sophia and whispers, "Don't act ignorant, and I know how you feel about Alex. Don't you have mercy, Sofia? Are you seriously putting Alex's life in danger? Just like you can't protect Jacob, you also can't protect Alex."

Elena gave her space. Elena caught Sophia's eye. Sophia's face showed that she was confused and doubtful. She looked serious and confused.

"Do you know about Jacob?" she asked.

She smiled. "You're welcome to stay a little longer, but I highly recommend that you do so." Her eyes briefly met Alex's, but she quickly returned to hers. "Do you think Alex should stay?"

Alex quickly looked at Sophia. "Sure, why not?" She thought she had something stuck in her throat. "Be careful, Alex. See you at school tomorrow."

Alex almost nodded. Sophia smiled under her breath, then turned around and walked away. Elena looked at her packs and directed them to follow her when Sophia left. Suddenly, she turned to face Alex.

Elena said, "Follow me." Alex let out a breath and followed Elena behind.

They went into a room. Elena's clothes made Alex feel a little uncomfortable. Only moonlight came in through the glass roof, making the room big and poorly lit.

"Well, you look a little worried..." She told him this while she was making him drinks. "Don't worry, I'm not going to eat you..." As she walked up to him, she handed him the glass and then leaned in close and whispered something in his ear. "Unless that's your heart's desire."

Alex felt an intense sensation when Elena's lips touched his ear. Shortly, Elena moved away from Alex and smirked a little at Alex's reaction. Still, she didn't tease him anymore.

"Please, have a seat," Elena kindly responded, settling herself on the other side of the sofa, across from him.

"Don't you think you should get dressed first?" Alex asked as he moved to the other end of the couch.

By the time Elena reached the closet, her face had gone sour. "Feel free to tell me what you want," Elena asked

His eyes followed the towel as it hit the ground, which made him feel a little surprised. Almost instantly, he took his eyes off Elena.

Alex waited a moment, trying to find the right words. "We came across the Moonfang Pack."

Elena was startled, but she quickly calmed down and kept her cool. "What were they after?"

He spoke loudly, "They're not what they seem. There is a dark group inside that works with the Ascendants."

"The Ascendants?" What Elena heard shocked her. "That's merely a myth."

"It's not," Alex said in a serious tone. "We've seen it for ourselves. Since they are already dominating the packs, we need to stop them."

Elena's eyes got smaller, and her face got cloudy. "What does this have to do with you two?"

Alex hesitated, grasping the seriousness of his words. "I-I think the Ascendants are connected to me."

The strain between them was clear, and the reveal was heavy in the air. Elena walked over to Alex. She sat next to him in casual clothes.

Elena looked into Alex's eyes, anxious to find any hint of lying. "Tell me why I should believe you."

Alex stated with confidence, "It's true. The Ascendants are a threat to all of us."

Looking at Alex, Elena's face became calmer. She finally said, "Fine. We will gather the pack. But if this is some trick..."

Strongly, Alex said, "It's not. We need to get going quickly."

There were intense feelings when the Eclipse Pack got together. The pack was shocked when they learned about the Ascendants' power, and Alex's claims made many members wary.

"We need to find proof," Elena said in a strong voice. "Proof that the Ascendants were involved."

Alex nodded and started to think of different thoughts. He remembered his dreams. He spoke with confidence. "I have an idea of where we can start."

In the dark, with the moon casting long shadows, they went out to find answers. The town was quiet, and the streets that led to the empty building on the edge were empty as well.

Alex softly said, "This is where they're hidden. The Ascendants."

Feelings of fear filled them as they got closer to the building. With a creak, the doors opened to reveal a poorly lit room hidden from view.

"We need to be careful," Elena warned, her voice tense with worry.

Upon entering the building, their steps echoed across the dusty floor. That smell of must and rot in the air made Alex shiver.

Out of nowhere, a shadowy creature with glowing, otherworldly eyes appeared.

Alex shivered as a voice echoed through the building. "Your arrival has been expected."

The Eclipse pack looked at Alex. Elena held Alex's forearm. "They've been expecting you? What the hell is this, Alex?" she growled.

Shadows covered the face of a strange figure that came out of nowhere.

"Just tell me what you want," Alex demanded with a voice full of anger.

Alex shivered when that individual in the coat let out a scary laugh. "Of course you. The one chosen by the Ascendants."

The seriousness of what they said made Alex shiver. "I'm not your puppet," he said quietly, even though he was terrified.

A mystery figure smiled, showing off its white, pearly teeth. "Oh, but you are," they said with a mean tone in their voice. "Now it's time for you to accept your fate."

An intense dark energy rushed toward Alex as the person raised a hand, surprising him.

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