Chapter 4: Eclipse Pack

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Silverwood High's busy hallways smelled of cafeteria pizza and teenage anxieties. Alex moved through the crowd, looking from one face to the next. Every time he glanced back, he thought he saw Elena in his peripheral vision.

She was ever-present, a reminder. She seemed to be able to read his mind and play with his fears without him knowing. She disappeared among the students whenever he got a sight of her.

Alex focused on the daily routine of school: lockers shutting, quiet chats, and occasional laughs. However, there was unease.

Sophia walked beside him, worried. "Alex, are you okay?" she asked.

He smiled while seeming to frown. "Just tired," he said, looking back down the hallway.

Sophia looked in his way with empathy. "It's Elena, isn't it?" she said softly.

Alex nodded, tensing. He said, "I can't seem to rid myself of this sense that she's... watching me."

Sophia softly touched his arm. "She's simply trying to get under your skin," she told him. "Don't let her bother you."

Despite Sophia's advice, Alex couldn't shake his sinking sensation. Elena's darkness shrouded everything.

After school ended, Alex went to his locker. His mind was occupied with Elena and the Eclipse Pack.

"Hey there, Alex," a whisper from behind him.

Elena was resting against the lockers, her eyes mischievous. She said with a sly grin, "You're blushing."

Alex was furious but suppressed it to avoid showing her. "What do you want, Elena?" he asked in a cold voice.

When Elena saw Sophia walking down the corridor, she grinned. It was a sweet sarcastic tone in her voice as she replied, "Oh, nothing much. Just checking on my special lone wolf."

Alex tightened his fists at his sides. "Elena, just save it," he said, fed up. "I don't want to play your games "

Elena's eyes sparkled as her grin widened. "Games?" she said as she walked closer to him.

"What are you doing, Elena?" Alex murmured in a quiet tone, his cheeks flushed with fever.

After meeting his gaze, Elena softened and said, "Just having a little fun," with a sexy tone. "What's the harm in a little flirting?"

"Flirting? Is that what you call it?" Alex said, his voice rising.

Sophia approached him, searching the situation. "Is everything okay?" She asked, worried.

Alex hesitated, trying to calm his emotions. "I'm alright, Sophia," he said with a fake grin. "Just.... dealing with Elena."

"Oh, Alex," Elena laughed, her eyes flashing. "You shouldn't bother with her. We both know she's not your type."

Alex was furious, but he suppressed it to avoid Elena's effects. "What do you know about my type?" He replied, his voice cutting off.

Elena smiled wider at his gaze. "More than you think," she whispered. But Alex, don't worry. We'll have enough time to get to know each other better."

Elena turned and left, leaving Alex and Sophia in the hallway with her laughing.

"Are you okay?" Sophia asked, worried.

Alex frustratedly nodded. "I'm fine," he said, but his voice showed that he was nervous.

His arm felt warm when Sophia put her hand on it softly. The woman spoke softly and said, "Just ignore her, Alex. She is not worth it."

Despite Sophia's reassurances, Alex couldn't get rid of the unpleasant feeling in his stomach. Elena's words kept playing over and over in his mind, her spirit staying with him like a ghost.


On the school field, Alex sat back and watched a group of students play basketball in the old gym. Elena walked out in front of him, and the soft light of the setting sun bathed her figure. Elena's inky black eyes stared at him.

"What is it that you want, Elena?" he questioned, his voice steady despite excitement.

Elena smiled to herself as she looked him straight in the eyes. "I wanted to see you," she said, and her voice was as smooth as glass. "Alone, away from prying eyes."

It was instinctively telling Alex to run away, and his heart was beating fast. He didn't give up, though.

He asked, "Why?" with increased intensity. "What game are you playing, Elena?"

Elena's grin and eyes brightened. "Game?" She funnily teased Alex. "Oh, Alex. You think everything is a game, don't you?"

Alex fist-tightened, losing patience. "Cut the crap, Elena," he said sharply, his voice getting louder. "I'm not here to play games."

After looking him in the eyes, Elena's face relaxed. "I'm not either," she said in a soft, close voice. "I wanted to talk to you alone."

"What do you want to talk about?" Alex asked Elena, trying to hold back his growing anger.

"About us," Elena whispered as she stepped closer, her eyes locked on his.

Alex got a quick jolt in the chest, and his thoughts were all over the place. "What do you mean, 'us'?" He asked in a barely audible voice.

Elena smiled slyly and replied, "You know exactly what I mean, Alex." Her voice was dripping with seductiveness.

Alex suppressed desire as his body reacted to her nearness, determined not to let her affect his decisions.

"I'm not sure what you mean, Elena," he said, his voice shaking a little.

Elena's sweet giggle and murmur made him feel cold as he heard his name. "You can't deny that you feel it as well."

She leaned in and kissed him fiercely, and the way she pressed her lips against his showed how much she wanted to do it. Her touch made Alex feel like he couldn't stop kissing her.

"Wow, I'm surprised, Alex," Elena said with a playful smile on her face. "It's my honor to be your first kiss."

When Elena found out about it, Alex felt a little bad about himself. He once resided in the city, but he never dated a woman because he considered himself too strange.

Alex gently whispered, "What... what do you want from me?" His thoughts were a swirl of bewilderment and yearning.

In a low, sexy voice, Elena told Alex, "I told you I wanted to talk to you alone." Her smile grew, and her eyes sparkled with mischief.

Alex's feelings and thoughts were racing, and he wanted to give in to his burning need to be with Elena.

Elena softened as she looked at him. "I'm here to talk to you about rules, but I'm surprised you don't see it that way," she said in a soft voice. "Met me in the woods after school."

"What if I refuse...?" Elena's finger cut Alex off.

"Alex, it's a werewolf thing." Elena told her, "It's important."

Sophia was standing behind Alex, looking shocked and upset. Elena released Alex and went away with a sneer.


Alex moved quietly over the forest ground as the moon illuminated the forest, turning it into a mesmerizing display of silver hues and dark shadows. Sophia watched him approach the woods, her heart racing with concern. She called out to him in the silence.

"Alex, wait!" Sophia approached him with an eager tone, peering at his face for clues. "What are you doing here, Alex?" she asked.

Alex looked at her warily but worriedly. "Elena wants to speak to me, and I need to find out why."

Sophia's chest tightened as his words struck her, a rush of despair sweeping over her. She tried to be calm by hiding her feelings.

"Why would she want to speak to you?" Sophia asked, sounding scared.

Alex gazed at her with empathy, confessing, "I'm not sure," he said, crinkling his brow. "But I need to find out."

Sophia was frustrated and aching to tell Alex how much she loved him, but hesitation kept her from saying it.

A strange feeling flickered across Alex's face as he looked into her eyes. "Do you... have feelings for me?" He asked, his voice unsure and curious.

Sophia's chest tightened as her mind raced with numerous unspoken things. Alex spoke again before she could respond, quiet and decisive.

"You shouldn't," Alex said as he admitted his remorse. "You'll only get yourself hurt."

Sophia was heartbroken by his remarks, but she smiled to hide her anguish. "Y-you're not my type, Alex," Sophia said, faking her smile. "Don't get ahead of yourself."

"Anyway, that's good to hear," Alex said as he scratched his head and blushed. "I cherished our friendship, Sophia, so you have nothing to worry about."

A light wind rustled the leaves, and only an owl's hoot broke the silence in a moonlit clearing. Sophia struggled to control her emotions as she wanted to hold Alex and never let go, but she knew it was impossible at the time.

"Let's go," Alex said to break the silence.

Sophia nodded with a heavy heart. The moon lit their path through the dark jungle. Sophia felt utterly empty as they faded into the forest. She wanted a more real and satisfying experience. Now, she hid her feelings and pretended to be normal.


Entering the Eclipse Pack's realm, Alex and Sophia felt tension. In an ominous clearing that was well-lit by the low moon, werewolves gathered.

The Eclipse Pack Alpha, Elena, commanded respect and dread from the center. She stared at Alex intently, judging him carefully.

"Hmm, glad you arrived, Alex." Elena's frigid voice cut the night air.

"Tell me what you need, Elena, and we have to go into the wilderness to talk," Alex said.

Elena approached Alex, narrowing her eyes. "You know the rules, Alex. If you emerge victorious, you will lead the Eclipse Pack as the Alpha, and I will be your Beta. But if you refuse, I remain Alpha."

Alex's jaw tightened as he absorbed her words. "What will happen to your pack if I become Alpha? To the Silverwood?"

Elena's grin returned, twisted with delight. "The Eclipse Pack will do well with your leadership, and Silverwood will be safe as always. Alex, remember that great power comes with great responsibility."

Sophia tightened her grip on Alex as she felt his stress. Sophia spoke steadily and stared. "Protect Silverwood? You and your pack are the ones who caused all of this."

Elena whispered threateningly, narrowing her gaze. "The interests of the many outweigh the needs of the few. We will sacrifice everything to protect our pack and Silverwood," she added forcefully. "You seemed to forget about it, Sophia."

The way Elena looked at Sophia confused Alex as if she knew something Sophia didn't tell him. "Why are you protecting Silverwood while also making a mess?"

Alex accuses them of vanishing innocent individuals, which Elena and the pack find amusing.

"This charge is absurd! "Our pack is innocent," Elena said with a firm voice and strong stance. "We have always kept a low profile and avoided any fights. Protecting ungrateful people. And you from outside are pointing the finger at us?"

Alex and Sophia exchanged a thoughtful gaze, sharing their feelings without speaking.

"Alex, you know nothing," Elena said. "I won't spill the beans. Get to the bottom of everything and find out who the really bad guy is."

Elena gazed at Sophia before turning and disappearing with her pack, leaving Alex and Sophia alone in the starry clearing.

Still, the game wasn't over yet, and Silverwood was about to find out that some creatures were harder to beat.

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